Saturday, January 17, 2009

Saturday Evening.

Okay, I guess all of you who had seen The Notebook new what I was in for huh? Yes, I cried like a baby, but what a good movie. Makes me a little nervous about the memory troubles I already have! Anyway the rest of the day went well. It was very quiet and restful. Mark has been up and doing just about everything on his own. He even acts a little put out when the nurses want to help him. I have to remind him that he really is a patient and they really do have a job to do. He has had some fun with a few practical jokes today. I think he is feeling well.

Beef stew for supper. Not very appealing to me, but he seemed to think it was good. Looking forward to another great night of rest. I think it is almost time.
Love to all, Missy

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey it sure is good to hear Mark is feeling better. We are all praying and pulling for the both of you. Hang in there Mark. God bless you both. Bill and Sheila Hester