Thursday, November 27, 2008


Happy Thanksgiving and Love to All YYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I hope everyone is enjoying a very blessed holiday. We are so, so thankful for our many blessings. God has been so good to us. As I laid in my warm bed this morning, still stuffed from all the food I ate yesterday, and hearing my beautiful children talking in their sleep in the other room, and my husband snoring next to me, and saw the sun coming up off the ground as far as I could see to the east, I thought to myself, "I can't possibly even count the number of ways that I am blessed." We have so much, not so many things, but so much more than all the money could ever buy. We have been so richly blessed by His plan.

Would you ever feel blessed for a loved one to be sick. While I have said before how much I dislike that Mark is having to do this, and I never want him to suffer, I just can't help but feel good that God actually chose my husband to do something so big! It is not necessarily a blessing we would ask for, but, since when do we have a choice in how we are to be blessed? I truly believe that we can find positive in everything we do. We might have to dig really deep, and sometimes even wait a really long time to find it, but as long as we are searching for the positive, God will bring it to us. We have the most wonderful family and friends ever (of which we are reminded daily through all of this.) It breaks my heart to know that there are others who endure such challenges alone, and I pray that they find God and his blessings. I also pray for all others who are sick and suffering, from whatever physical, mental or emotional illness, that they too might find peace through their trials. May they know that God brought them to it, not so they could suffer or to punish them, but so they would seek Him to bring them through it.

Today, we are going to celebrate my Grandma Himmels Berend's family reunion. What a wonderful blessing of deep rooted heritage. She and her many sisters and their families will gather to celebrate all that we are so fortunate to have and of course - eat more food! Also, on this day, we are celebrating my Grandma and Grandpa Berend's 70th wedding anniversary. Our family will celebrate together with a special mass in their honor before the reunion. What an enormous feat. We are so blessed by there presence , there good health, and their example to all of us. I pray for them and all of their family that, as they continue to age, God will continue to be their guide, providing peace, comfort, and acceptance as He carries out His plan.

By the way, Week 4 and 1/2 is over. Woohoo!!!! Of course, the Cancer treatment Center wanted the holiday off as well. He will finish up treatment at the start of next week. He had a good week, and even one GREAT day. (I hope I marked that on the calendar.) It was quite memorable. He woke up feeling and acting himself, and it lasted throughout an entire day. Woohoo!!! Just another thing to be thankful for.

I hope this wonderful day finds you all healthy, happy, and stuffed full of great food. We love you all, Missy.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Smile, Thanksgiving is just one week away.

The holidays are here, and my waistline is already feeling it. We celebrated Thanksgiving at the Uniform shop this week, and I do mean all week. The meal was supposed to be Tuesday, but we have been eating on it ever since!

Tomorrow is the end of week four. Labs this week remain good. Mark has encountered a few new discomforts here and there, but overall is still doing well. We are so praying that things will return to normal for him after this five weeks of treatments is over. I know he is looking forward to better days ahead and getting to enjoy the holiday season. Only 6 treatments left. Due to the holiday next week, we should be celebrating his last treatment on December 2, 2008. He has an appointment to see the colo-rectal surgeon on Monday, December 8th. Dr. Crim will schedule a surgery date at that time. We will also do another CT scan prior to that appointment (not scheduled yet.)

We will have plenty to keep busy with as the chickens arrived yesterday! In case you are wondering, the boys raise chickens for one of their 4H projects at the Archer County Junior Livestock Show. It is definitely a family affair. Even Abby tries to make pets out of these 75 little birds.

Continued prayers for Phillip, and Pauline and to all of our loved ones who face new challenges each day. Keep the faith! Love to all, Missy

Sunday, November 16, 2008

3 weeks and counting!

Hello all,

Mark is doing well this weekend. We are so glad to have 3 weeks behind us. He would only be happier if we were at the end of week five! He is sure ready to feel himself again and is really hoping for that after treatments are over.

It was good to see our family over the weekend for a wedding. Congratulations to Adam and Natalea and best wishes for many happy years together. Thanks for allowing Abby to participate in your special day and for allowing the rest of us to share it with you.

Also, a very special birthday wish to my friend Barbara. It is hard to believe we have been friends for sooooooo many years. I know you have a few more days to enjoy your thirties, but thanks for making me a part of your celebration. Barbara is another one of our many "real friends". (See post from October 19th for more explanation)
And I couldn't forget the Windthorst Volleyball team. They are allowing us a trip to Austin next weekend. Thanks Tanna to you and all of your teammates for working so hard this year. We look forward to watching you in your final state volleyball tournament next weekend. Anyone in the Austin area next weekend should make plans to watch some good volleyball. Go Blue!
What a weekend! So much to be thankful for. It is Thanksgiving everyday around here, but I am sure looking forward to celebrating all that we have with family and friends as the holiday nears. Thanks for everyone and everything you do - everyday. Missy
Oh, I almost forgot a couple of housekeeping things. Our whole family picture album is now on Beverly's website. If you want to look, go to and click on visit website. You will see a gallery of many pictures. You can click on our picture to view our photos. Also, if you are still having trouble posting a comment on the blog, here is the best way I know to help. Click on comment below the post that you are reading, type in your message. If you are a google member, you may have a password, but for those who don't want to mess with that, you may click the circle beside anonymous and then click the orange box to send the comment. If you do use the anonymous option, please be sure to sign your name within the body of your message, otherwise, we have no way of knowing who sent it. Thanks.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

November 11, 2008

Hello all,

Happy Veterans Day, especially for all of you federal and state and employees and bankers who are really getting to enjoy it!

Today Mark saw Dr. Delizio (oncologist). The visit was simply a follow up to his chemotherapy treatment. He reviewed his lab, nutrition, and side effects. All of which are doing fairly well. We had many questions, all of which he answered for us. The plan of chemoradiation, surgery, and chemo following surgery has not changed. We do have a few specifics. The "5 week" thing is really 25 treatments. This means it will be into the sixth week before we finish due to the holiday. 25 treatments is all there will be, regardless of what is happening with the tumor. Treatment is not dependent on whether the tumor shrinks or not. The standard treatment is the same 5 weeks. Some tumors will shrink to being barely visible, and some will not change in size at all. Every tumor may respond differently to the radiation. Regardless of the response to this treatment, the fact is that recurrence of cancer in the pelvis is less common if it is treated as we are doing.

That is how we want it, rid of this for good!

There will not be a need to see the oncologist again until after surgery. The chemotherapy cocktail for treatment afterwards will be determined by the findings during surgery. Just a reminder, the plan is for surgery mid January.

Just think, tomorrow is the midway point of this treatment and Thursday marks the downhill slide. Yeeeaaahhh. God is so good.

Thanks to all for being on our "team". There is definitely power in numbers.

Friday, November 7, 2008

November 7, 2008

Woohoo, The end of week two!

Once again, Mark may not agree, but I think life is just awesome. He is doing so well. We know how bad it could be and we have had two weeks of being pretty fortunate. Yes he is tired and dragging, but the list of side effects they gave to us he has not seen yet. God willing, we will make it 3 more weeks without them creeping up on him. From the information we received, next week could bring more challenges, but we'll take that as it comes and like I said, maybe it won't come!

Mark will see the oncologist next week just to check up and review the plan and make sure everything is going as expected. The Radiology Oncologist is also seeing him weekly and lab is drawn weekly. The visit this week was pretty uneventful. A few changes in his lab this week, but not significant enough to change any plans.

We hope everyone is well, and we sure do appreciate your continued prayers. Not a day goes by that we don't here of a new prayer list or a new person praying. I just know God can't ignore all these people knocking on His door, and I am sure He is tickled to death with all of the people turning to Him for support. All in His plan I believe.

A special THANK YOU my two friends Lorrie and Betty today. I appreciate you so much. I bribed these two into going to an insurance meeting with me. Now that is true friendship!. We are so blessed to have so many wonderful friends and family who would do anything for us.

Love to all, Missy.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

November 4, 2008

I got it. This is the picture I couldn't get in the last post. Thanks Bev for the help!

Aren't they a lovely couple!!!????
Week Two is still going well and its half over! Love to all, Missy

Monday, November 3, 2008

November 3, 2008

Hello everyone,

Happy day to all of you. I hope everyone is adjusting to the new time change. Not my favorite for sure. It means its going to get cold. Uggghhhh.

We had a great weekend. Busy, busy as usual. So busy that you almost forget about all your troubles just to get through one activity after the next. We did family pictures on Sat morning followed by a birthday party at Paws and Claws in the mall. We got a good long nap Sat. afternoon before attending an anniversary party for some friends. It was a costume party as well. Thought you would like to see Mark sporting a glimpse of his future! (oh, my picture won't upload, I will have to get back to you on that one)

Congrats to Chris and Felice on your anniversary and thanks for including us. The family pictures are much more attractive. My friend that took the pictures put a sneak peek on her blog Check it out if you get a chance.

Today started Week#2. Marks says today was a good day. That was until he spent an hour in the Walgreen's pharmacy. I'm telling you, he is way too nice! I finally went in to see what in the world was taking so long ( and I probably wasn't quite so nice) He was beat after standing there for so long, but all in all, a good day.

Everyone please pray for Pauline, our friend who is also fighting colon cancer. She has her chemo treatment plan for the next six months. We want only the best for her during this time and know that God with be with her each step of the way.

Also to the Cypert family, we are glad to hear Phillip is recovering from his surgery and illness and we continue to pray for good health for him, Uncle Billy Paul, and all of your family that are burdened with difficult times.

Thanks to all who care so much about us, Missy