Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Hello All

And Merry Christmas week. Surprise, Surprise, Missy is not ready! I have been a little Ba Humbug this year. Ever since my Christmas light ordeal, I just haven't come around. I suspect that my gifts are lacking a little flair this year. At any rate, it will come and go , ready or not. Gifts really have taken on a new meaning for me. We have been given so many gifts (blessings) all year long. Nothing bought in a store can compare to the gift of life, the gift of good news, the gift of friends and family, the gift of children, the gift of peace and comfort, the gift of healing. We run around trying to find that perfect gift and sometimes lose sight of what it all would be if we weren't constantly receiving gifts from above. I am not sure I have seen the likes of praying the way that I have in this last year. I have seen some pretty huge trials left at the feet of our Lord only to see Him pick up each one and carry them around with Him, never letting go. The power of the multitudes of prayer is phenomenal. Even when you think that God must have "looked away" for a second, you find another blessing was just another second away.

I could go on, but the words on this post don't do justice to the thoughts in my head. Just know that we are blessed abundantly this Christmas season and always because Christ was born and died for our salvation. What greater gift?

Also, Mark's appointment went well yesterday. He is all set for surgery on January 12, 2010. It will again be at Baylor Irving. We are expecting a considerably shorter hospital stay this time. Will keep you posted with anything new.

Love to all and Merry Christmas, Missy

PS . Please, please, please keep my friends Melissa and Jeremy and their families in your prayers. She is still in the hospital at MD Anderson having undergone a 14 hour surgery to remove cancer from her body and reconstruction. It looks as if she may get to leave before Christmas, but her recovery will be most challenging. They will need strength and support in huge ways. I know God is holding her so tight and that he is working through so many people to help support the whole family. Thanks for all the prayers.