Wednesday, October 14, 2009

1 year

It's hard to believe marked one year since Mark's cancer diagnosis. Wow, so much has happened and it seems like it all happened in the last month. We have been so lucky. When I think of all the "ups" and downs, I am certain that the "ups" win hands down. I can remember writing about the roller coaster at certain times, but looking back on a bigger picture in the rear view mirror makes all of those valleys seems much smaller. GOD IS GOD.
Today I can't even imagine how we found time to fit cancer and treatments and surgeries and appointments into our schedule! Just like the rest of the world, we are non-stop all the time. Mark is into play practice now with production scheduled for the last two weekends in November and the first weekend in December. Landon is busy with football and piano and band. Austin also has football and is adding Wednesday night religion and Abby is still into her softball and gymnastics. She perfected the back handspring and in the same day did two in a row. She finally has some confidence with it. It's been an exciting week for her.
My kids have already started telling me what they want for Christmas, and I am desperately trying to get on the ball and be disciplined enough to get started on that - ahead of time. (ahead of time would be a little out of character for me, but we can always change right?
Mark's follow up to his last PET scan will be within the next month, but we don't have it scheduled yet. We will let you in on any new news. Thanks to all of you who continue to pray for and leave messages for us. (Thank you Auntie N.) WE ARE SO BLESSED. We love you all. Missy