Friday, November 7, 2008

November 7, 2008

Woohoo, The end of week two!

Once again, Mark may not agree, but I think life is just awesome. He is doing so well. We know how bad it could be and we have had two weeks of being pretty fortunate. Yes he is tired and dragging, but the list of side effects they gave to us he has not seen yet. God willing, we will make it 3 more weeks without them creeping up on him. From the information we received, next week could bring more challenges, but we'll take that as it comes and like I said, maybe it won't come!

Mark will see the oncologist next week just to check up and review the plan and make sure everything is going as expected. The Radiology Oncologist is also seeing him weekly and lab is drawn weekly. The visit this week was pretty uneventful. A few changes in his lab this week, but not significant enough to change any plans.

We hope everyone is well, and we sure do appreciate your continued prayers. Not a day goes by that we don't here of a new prayer list or a new person praying. I just know God can't ignore all these people knocking on His door, and I am sure He is tickled to death with all of the people turning to Him for support. All in His plan I believe.

A special THANK YOU my two friends Lorrie and Betty today. I appreciate you so much. I bribed these two into going to an insurance meeting with me. Now that is true friendship!. We are so blessed to have so many wonderful friends and family who would do anything for us.

Love to all, Missy.


nelda said...

Glad to hear the good news.
Keep up the good work.
He "sounded" GREAT on the phone today. Hope your "BRIBERY" worked in your favor with the INSURANCE.
You are constantly in my prayers.
& that I am just a phone call away
In My Heart In My Thoughts
In My Prayers

Anonymous said...

The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you!!!!

My thought of you today.

Leann Harlan

Anonymous said...

James 5:16b"...pray for one another, so that you may be healed." I have always thought that was an interesting verse. When we are sick we usually have a hard time praying for ourselves...others will pray for us...but "...pray for others that we may be healed".... Try it, you might like it...
Praying for you.. wilma from Munday

Anonymous said...

Glad you guys are hanging in there!! Aren't the prayers of your friends and family just awesome? Love, Jan and Jeff