Thursday, February 24, 2011

Thursday evening.

Mark had the sternal wire removed on Wednesday. He did very well. It is healing quite nicely, and he is glad to have relief from that pain. Thank you so much Dr. Obney, Brandi and Keith for making it all work. We are so blessed by such good people. The rest of our week has been pretty up and down. Mark's condition is about the same. Still very tired and sleeping a great deal. His appetite and eating are minimal. He started having visits from the supportive care nurses. They will be coming once a week to check on him. They are helping to try to make things better for him, right now focusing on his energy and his appetite. He is taking medication for both of these, and we are hoping to see some improvement there. They have been very attentive, and it is a relief to have someone to call on for any needs that we have.

Muncle Mark has a new niece and a new nephew today. That is right. Two babies born 9 minutes apart to two sisters who are several years apart and live many, many miles apart. AND, both babies weighed the same amount. God is good. While the proud grandparents couldn't be in two places at once, Judy happened to be here and got to be the surrogate grandparent for little Julia. And, on top of that, I could stay with Mark that because I didn't have to be at the hospital to work. WoooHooo!

Thanks for all the continued love and prayers. Still praying for a miracle, Missy


Anonymous said...

Love and Prayers!!! Karen

Anonymous said...

God love and bless you all--you and all your family are at the top of our prayer list EVERY day.
Jan and Jeff

wayne Lindemann said...

Prayers for all of you.We love you guys. Wayne and Laverne

Anonymous said...

2 babies God is good! If I can be of any help do call on me. Love you all and still praying for you.
Sandy C