Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Just another test.

Well there had to be some challengesin this great plan, right? I mean could it really all have happened so easy? It wouldn't be for real if there wasn't some kink in the road (or snow!)
We heard from Dr. Diaz a couple of times today. He is anxiously awaiting the ability to be able to travel. He started out at 5 am this morning but was forced to turn back due to dangerous roads and very low visiblity. We had a pretty good lazy day here. Some cards and a little tv, a couple of movies. It seemed each time we got an itch to go drive and check the place out, then someone would have a good "getting stuck" story for us. We played it safe and had a nice quiet day. Hope everyone else did the same. Love to all, Missy


Anonymous said...

Thanks for all of the update on Mark. Yes we have so much snow here and can not get out of the drive way. Still praying for your family! Always in my heart
Sandy C

Anonymous said...

Love you guys! Praying!!!