Tuesday, February 8, 2011

5 Days Complete

Dr. Diaz has been with us for 5 days now. We are so appreciative of all that he has done. Mark continues to do everything he is told. He is working so hard. sometimes just the trip from one room to the other in the house can be very exhausting for him. There are several treatments that also seem to zap all of his energy. He most always bounces back after a good nap though and is ready for what up next. He has still been very appreciative of the salads that he has gotten to eat and has even taken a liking to the fruit plates as well. Today was the first day he got to eat some meat. Red meat is more difficult for the liver to process. In light of this, it was NOT one of his options. It was grilled chicken instead with a vegetable salad with guacomole sauce. He ate well.
As for progress, It seems very sloooow. While Mark and I both agree that things are better than they were a week ago, it is still hard to be patient (gosh, there is that dreaded word again!). After all, Mark has been "sick" for over two years. Would we really expect that to go away over night? (I know, that is what I would like too!)

The biggest plus is that Mark has only had 2 doses of pain medicine in the last 5 days. That's is pretty good when compared to the 3 a day that he was up to when we started all this. This tells us that there is some difference in the inflammation in his liver, and possibly change to the tumors themselves. As far as the jaundice, there are times it is looking a little better, but then he gets in a different light and I change my mind. Tonight, as I watch him going to sleep, he looks about as good as he has recently. We will see in the morning.

Dr.Diaz has returned to the place in WF he is staying. We Are hoping that he is able to return to us in the morning in spite of the weather that the TV tells me we are going to get.

Hope everyone stays warm. Hope I have covered everything you had questions about! I better go now before I type some garbage on here as I fall asleep! Love to all, Missy


Anonymous said...

This sounds good. Was anxious for your post. Well, I have been making notes about what I remember about our Grandparents and the HOUSE on the HILL, which I refer to as "The Big House" in my writing. You will find out why when you read my so called memories. I had Dad look over what I had written to be sure that my memory was correct. In talking to Dad, some very interesting things came to surface. Did you know that there is a "TRAP DOOR" under the table, WHERE Grandmother had the table in the kitchen ?? Did you find one when you did the remodel?
I am still making notes, cannot decide if I want you & Donna Lynn
{I am doing this at her request} to read as I write or to wait until I finish. This is so exciting and very interesting to me that I cannot shut my brain off. One memory leads to another...
like you I better go to bed, it is 1:43am WED morning !
Hugs and Kisses to all
My love and prayers,
auntie n

Anonymous said...

Much love and prayers for your family. Kim Davidson

Anonymous said...

Praying for Mark, praying for you and the kids, and praying for Dr. Diaz. We love yall! ~Teresa

Anonymous said...

Just want to say how sweet it was to visit with you on Tues. You both were SO gracious in spite of all you're going thru and how tired you must be! Mark, I still laugh when I think of your comment @ the 'snake on a hot rock!' (Are you shakin' that rattler yet,buddy? lol)..We continue to love you and pray for you and expect God to do something wonderful!... Janet