Monday, October 27, 2008

October 27, 2008 pm

Oh happy day! We have finally, officially and for really started fighting this thing! That is so exciting to us. We were so ready to at least get started on something. The machine was fixed and he went this afternoon. So today is day one of five weeks of chemo and radiation. Mark is in the bed already. He is dragging a little today, saying he feels a little achy all over and tired, but in general is feeling well. Pray for a good nights sleep.

Oh, I almost forgot, we heard from Dr. Cooley today! He responded by e-mail. He thanked us for requesting his recommendation and asked that we keep him up to date with the progress of his cancer treatment. After reviewing Mark's records, he agrees that the cancer poses the "most immediate threat to his life." He also mentioned that his aorta may have been somewhat dilated all along as a result of his original aortic stenosis and valve replacements. At any rate, the plan will remain the same then, to continue cancer treatment as long as there are no changes with his heart. Which brings us to another prayer. I say lets not just pray for no growth of the aneurysm, but why not go for shrinking a little? Anything is possible and maybe the blood pressure medicine will help. That's a long time away though. We will just keep working day by day.

Oh my, I must go. Instead of sleeping, Abby has been wiggling away at a loose tooth. She is now missing three of her front teeth and is working on #4. Family pictures this weekend. This should be one to remember. She is breaking the tooth fairy$$$$$!!!!

Love to all, Missy


Judy Voss said...

Praise God!
I have already been praying that God would just shrink the aneurysm and we would give Him all the glory!
Hey Austin, Have a good week at school, and be Mom and Dad's good helper. Landon, keep practicing on that flip words. I'll challenge you next time. Abby, Send Aunt Judy a picture of the next pulled tooth. I love you all very much.

Donna Sue said...


Love you!
Donna Sue

Unknown said...

Hey, that is wonderful news. Today is just one step closer to the goal of being HEALED. May our great Lord Jesus comfort all of you and help ease your pain Mark. God must really think you guys are special to give entrust you with so much and I think so too. We love you guys and are blessed by your faith and walk with Jesus.
Tell Abby to come stay with us one night. Let us know when a good night would be.
Love, Nacole and family

The Wades said...

We rejoice at your bits of good news and pray even harder with the bad. Mark, our God is powerful and we ask that He give you the power to fight this thing because I know it's not easy. We love your whole bunch and you're constantly in our hearts and on our minds.
Love you bunches, Linda

lisa said...

Mark,Missy &Kids
Hang in there Mark God is Great. You will come through all of this I know you will.God works miracles I look back at Keith Tyler & Treys wreck I look at each day as a blessing from God that we have our lives and the healing is going great.So you hold your head up high and keep trucking you will be ok. You were there for us in our time of need and we will be there for you all . Know that we think of yall everyday. Thanks Missy for keeping us updated I cant wait to read the blog everyday. Know how much you are in our hearts we love you.

Gary,Lisa,Andrea & Keith