Thursday, October 23, 2008

Nothing happened today!

Good evening to everyone, or maybe it is late night,

At any rate, I know everyone is anxious to find about about the last couple of days and especially today. Through the grapevine you might have heard that absolutely nothing happened today!!!!! Just another case of not having all of the information. We thought we were scheduled for radiation today. Soooo, Mark started his chemotherapy this morning by mouth, as instructed, and went to the cancer treatment center this afternoon for radiation. What we didn't know was that today was simply a history taking, consent signing, picture taking,information giving, tattooing day. Not only that, but tomorrow is more of the same. They will do a simulation of the radiation with all of the settings they created from today's visit. And finally, Monday is supposed to start the real thing. AAAAAAAGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH!!!!

Okay, now that I have that out, we did learn a few things about his radiation today. The lengthy wait following this five week treatment plan is to allow time for the body to heal, swelling, pain, etc. Also, the tissue death from radiation does not all occur at the time of radiation. It happens over a period of several weeks following radiation. So waiting the six weeks allows him to get the full benefit of the radiation. The radiation oncologist was a nice and seemingly knowledgeable man who was able to answer all of our questions and provide beneficial information. It also helps to see familiar faces when you go to new places and Mark Knew several of the people in that center. The down side of the visit, other than being seemingly unproductive, was learning that ulcerative colitis patients tend to have a more difficult time with radiation. They already have an inflammatory bowel process, and the added radiation creates increased side effects and greater risks. The whole experience was not bad, it was just disappointing to think we were finally starting to get a hold on this, only to find out there was more waiting.

I think my positive news will have to come from yesterday. (I can do that since I did not post yesterday). Previously I mentioned that the cardiovascular surgeon recommended we get a second opinion due to the complexity and uniqueness of Marks situation. I contacted Texas Heart Institute in Houston and was able to make a contact at Dr. Denton Cooley's office. This is the physician that performed Marks previous two open heart surgeries. The lady who help me was wonderful. She was going to pull Mark's record's (from the archives and remove the dust, of course) and keep them to put with information she requested to be fed ex'd. We sent results ad films from exams, and a letter explaining our request. She said that he would review all of Mark's information and get back with us. I was just a little excited, so I got it all together yesterday and sent it to be there by noon today. I will let you know if and when I get a response.

We are supposed to visit with Dr. Crim, the colorectal surgeon tomorrow by telephone to follow up on a few things from our last visit. He is supposed to have some feedback for us as well. I will update any new news.

I thank you all so much for your continued support. We are definitely beginning to experience that emotional roller coaster, and I am talking shock wave style, up, and down, and in complete circles. Our life is crazily overwhelming and exhausting right now and we know that it will not end soon. This is why we are so appreciative of everyone. You do not know how uplifting it is to hear from so many of you. Many who we hardly ever get to see. We love you all and are leaning on you and your prayers tremendously.

Special prayers for Mark and the kids today, the last couple of days have been challenging.

Love to all, Missy


Judy Voss said...

Isn't it great that since God created us, He understands perfectly that we will have those down times that seem to totally engulf us as well as those times when we lift up our heads and fix our eyes on JESUS. While our hearts are trusting in His awesome power to perform miracles, our human bodies can fall down at His feet and cry "Father, give us strength!" He is a Great God he will supply our every need, in His time. I am so glad that we can cry together, laugh together, hope together, and trust together. God put us all together as a family, and as a family we will TRUST HIS HEART and believe IT WON"T RAIN ALWAYS! I love you! "The Big Sis"

Wanda Hester said...

Jerry and I have been praying fervently for you'll since receiving the news about the cancer diagnosis. We want you to know that we are available to do ANYTHING that might make these days easier. We are praying everyday, but we would like to do more, so feel free to call on us. Mark has always been very, very special to us and we have grown to love Missy, Austin, Landon, and Abby as each has become Mark's precious family. As we looked at Romans 8:38 on Sunday evening about ABSOLUTELY NOTHING being able to separate us from the LOVE OF GOD, I thought of your family and prayed "Lord, help this young family experience your love in a way that they never have before and to ALWAYS know that you love them". We are praying for strength for all of you from God and for your faith in Him to be strong. May His grace be sufficent in these days ahead. I'm sure there are those whose wisdom and counsel is much better than ours, but I would like to share something that helped us in the darkest days of our lives. At times when we didn't know how to pray or what to pray for and even our best attempts were only groanings of our heart, others were lifting us before God's throne and I can assure you that we were provided a peace that passes understanding. He continually put people (angels in human bodies) in our paths to help us. There are things we go through in life that we never completely recover from, but our TRUST in God makes them so much easier. Allow Him to use you to minister to those you come in contact with along this journey. We love you!!!!!!!

betty dowdy said...

mark and missy,
my thoughts and prayers are with you today. May God give you all the strength that you need to endure these difficult times. Please know that I am always here for you if I can be of assistance in any way. I will continue to keep you guys in my prayers.
Love You,

BEN D said...

BOTH MARILYN AND I ARE SENDING YOU ALL OUR LOVE AND PRAYERS, FOR BOTH OF YOU AND THE CHILDREN..I know this is a tough time!! but as they say, tough times won't last, but tough people do!! and with GOD'S LOVE AND CARE AND PRAYERS FROM ALL your friends you will make it...