Friday, October 17, 2008

October 17, 2008

Hello all,

We received some news today. Many of you probably remember many years ago when Mark had an artificial valve replacement to correct a heart condition that he was born with. Since that time, he has had routine visits to follow the status of his heart. As part of the preparation for his surgery, they have been doing testing to further evaluate his heart. Some concerns have arisen that pose increased risks. His cardiologist will see him again on Tuesday and we will go to Dallas to see a cardiac specialist on Tuesday as well. Please keep praying that God gives all of these doctors a clear plan to treat Mark with the best care possible.

While today was a difficult one, we keep striving to recognize something positive in each day. If it weren't for Mark's cancer diagnosis, they would not have discovered these new findings at this time. All of these pieces are going to come together one day - on God's schedule!

Love to all, Missy


Judy Voss said...

As each minute passes I become more and more aware of our dependence on our Heavenly Father. I do not even begin to claim to understand. But I do believe that nothing comes to us, except that it has passed through the Father's hands already. He has promised that he can bring good things out of even the most horrible and stressful events. I am claiming that promise! For myself, and for our family. You are in our thoughts and prayers moment by moment. We love you all!

Anonymous said...

Danny, I don't know if you remember me or not, but I'm one of Judy's old friends from school..Laura Franklin Powell....I want you to know our whole family is praying for you!!! I know God will take care of you!!! You're in our prayers...big hugs...Laura

Judy Voss said...

Missy, It was so good to hear your voice this evening. We continue to lift you all up!

Jan and Jeff said...

Dear Mark annd Missy and family,
We were overwhelmed when we heard of Mark's latest challenges. We are so thankful for your faith and good and loving family. I can't imagine facing obstacles in life's path without both. One great blessing that will touch your life with these experiences is that there is nothing that can explain the prayer for you. It was such a heart warming experience to find that so many people are so eager to help you and pray for you. My prayers for you are that you find peace of mind and joy in each day, no matter what. From the tone of your posts, you already have a wonderful start. Remember how many people you have loving you and praying every day for you all.
Much love,
Jan and Jeff

Cindy said...

Mark and Missy,
We are so thankful to see this blog. It is a wonderful tool the Lord can use to encourage you and call on the body of Christ to pray!! We have seen so many miracles and the healing power of God, and now we will be in prayer for you and your family. Two things I leave with you...remember the shirts! "With God all things are possible." Meditate on Psalm 139 and you will be reminded how precious you are to Him!
We love you, Mark, and know that you are never out of His care.
Larry and Cindy

Unknown said...

The Brown Family,

Just want you to know that we, here in Midland, pray for each and every one of you daily. Just know that everything is in His hands right now and with God....all things are possible!!
Don't know if you remember me or not, but I'm Leslie Franklin. Just want you to know that if there is anything at all I can do...please don't hesitate to let me know!! My cell # is (432) 889-6779.
Remember....."I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." May God bless each of you !!!
Love to all,
Leslie, Falon, Tami and Valari