Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Good Morning

Good Morning to everyone.

I think I can actually see the computer screen this morning. My fingers will just have to wake up a little!

Yesterdays positive - We met another physician that we have a lot of confidence. That is really important to us. He was very concerned with doing what is best for Mark. The long and short of all this is that Mark is in need of a major heart surgery in addition to his needs for the cancer. Unfortunately, this is not something that physicians are faced with just a whole lot and certainly is not something that is prevalent enough to research. You might guess that that means, there are no definite decisions in place about what the right or best decision is for Mark's plan of care.

If we only had our crystal balls, we would look in there for some guidance. If we only knew which "problem" to take care of first. Heck, if they only knew for certain which medical risk was more pressing. So the steps to making a decision include weighing the risks, rolling the dice, playing the cards, and all those other things you do when you take chances.
Well. That's great if you are a gambler. Some of you know, I am not. Mark and I both are very much convinced that there is only one option. We take everything we have, our heart and soul, and lay it on the table for the dealer. God is going to have to give these physicians the inspiration. They cannot work miracles alone. We cannot expect them to give us answers to all of our questions. They just don't have them. When I suggest that they didn't say what we wanted to hear, it's because, in this case, they don't have the "authority" to do that. Only God does. And he is expecting us to take that leap of faith.

Sooooo, What next? Dr. Kourlis spent a great deal of time laying out every potential scenario for us. He discussed every possibility and answered every question we had. He defined every risk and then it was if he turned on his risk calculator in his head and gave us the "this is what I think you should do."

1. Proceed with Chemo and radiation as scheduled.
2. Have the colon surgery following a rest period after chemo and radiation.
3. Follow the colon surgery with 6 months of chemotherapy, and then do the heart surgery.
4. Have regular CT scans to monitor the status of the heart.

Everything is subject to change at any point. Of course, an emergency situation with his heart would put a hold on everything else. Also, the CT's will be used to monitor changes in his heart. If there are changes, The plan will again change. And lastly, Dr Kourlis highly recommended we speak to another physician regarding Mark's plan of care. He repeatedly encouraged us to see another surgeon, possibly Dr. Cooley that place Marks artificial heart valve many years ago. He was very interested for us to let him know if we received any different perspectives to consider.

Keep the prayers coming. It's the only way. I know he hears and is supporting us through all of you.
Love to all, Missy


Judy Voss said...

Missy, Please keep a journal. You are an awesome writer. This will make a beautiful book someday to show God's power,grace, and miracles as he heals Mark and guides each step of the way. We don't know about tomorrow, but we DO KNOW WHO holds tomorrow. Praise God! You know I love you and will be lifting you all up constantly

Laurie said...

Thanks so much for blogging and keeping us updated. It is very important to all of us to stay caught up on what is going on with you guys and to know the specifics of what to pray about. I'm so thankful that God placed you guys in stong Christian families, because it's times like these that we need those people the most. Just know that all the extended family is lifting you guys up and we love you all so much. Please give my sweet couson an extra hug from me and tell him that I love hom. He has always been one of my favorite cousins, I think it's because of bond I felt he and Stacy had becuase of both being born with heart conditions. I check daily for reports and pray about the info given and I know I'm just one of MANY who are doing this.
Love you guys and please let us know if there is anything else that we can do. Prayers are continuously going up!
Love, Laurie

Jan and Jeff said...

God bless you both -- your strength and faith are amazing. Thank you for the blog--I know how hard it is to keep saying the same thing over and over when people call. This way we can all keep up with correct information often.
You are in our hearts and prayers EVERY day.
We are not far away if you need us!
Jan and Jeff

coolwaters5 said...

I was flipping thru the channels this morning and came across the Today show and the thought came to me (I know it was the Lord)that Mark's story would touch people worldwide. For one thing I believe that the medical world will be astounded how such a complicated situation coupled with FAITH had such successful results. Because I believe that With God ALL things are possible. Continue to journal this journey because you will need it when Matt Lauer (from the Today show) calls to do his interview! Psalm 46:1,10. God is our refuge and strength, an ever present help in trouble. v10 Be still and know I'm God. I will be exalted among th nations and on earth. I know without a doubt that God will receive glory thru your faithfulness!! Love, Heather

Sit-N-Chat said...

Hello Mark,
We are praying for you and our home pryer meeter joined us tonight. I learned about your health issues on the Thompson Blog. We re so sorry you are having to go through this but we know God loves and and He is able. Know that we will continue to call out to God on your behalf.

Brian and Jennifer B

jan said...

I can't even talk about this on a blog!! Just remember, God's gotcha covered -- Love, jan