I thought everyone could use a big smile and this makes me smile.
No new news today. We all know nothing happens on the weekends in the medical world. That's okay, because that gives us time of to focus on our prayers. Speaking of, I know that all of us have so many prayers to send, but if we could make room to add a few more to the list, we know of a couple. In this small community we live in, we seem to have been plagued recently with bad news. We are overwhelmed with cancer! We have several friends who also have been diagnosed recently with cancer of various forms. We know that they and their families are in need of the same support that we are as we all have a long road ahead of us. I have no doubt that one day we will all be looking back on this time able to see how far we have come, but until then, please help us pray for them too. Pauline, Laurie, Pam, God is on our side. We must stay focused on him and gain strength through Him each step of the way.
Tomorrow is a very big day. Mark says he is so ready to "just get this show on the road." The waiting and unknowns are difficult, but all on His schedule. We will update probably tomorrow evening when we return. Thanks to our parents for covering the kids over the next few days.
I wanted to throw in a little extra something. Forward e-mails are not typically my cup of tea, but every now and then I get one I just can't let go of. I thought you all would appreciate. Thanks Cindy!
FAKE FRIENDS: Never ask for food.
REAL FRIENDS: Are the reason you have no food.
FAKE FRIENDS: Call your parents Mr / Mrs
REAL FRIENDS: Call your parents DAD/MOM
FAKE FRIENDS: Never seen you cry
REAL FRIENDS: Cry with you
FAKE FRIENDS: Borrow your stuff for a few days then give it back
REAL FRIENDS: Keep your stuff so long they forget it's yours
FAKE FRIENDS: Know a few things about you
REAL FRIENDS: Could write a book about you with direct quotes from you
FAKE FRIENDS: Will leave you behind if that is what the crowd is doing
REAL FRIENDS: Will kick the whole crowds butt that left you
FAKE FRIENDS: Would knock on your front door
REAL FRIENDS: Walk right in and say 'I'M HOME!'
FAKE FRIENDS: Are for awhile
REAL FRIENDS: Are for life
FAKE FRIENDS: Will talk bad to the person who talks bad about you.
REAL FRIENDS: Will knock the person out that talked bad about you
Love you all, Mark and Missy
Hey Mark & Missy,
I loved the picture of Mark. The poem about friends hit the nail exactly on the head. I am praying for you both and hope the best for you and your family. God's strength and the love you both share for each other will get you through this difficult time. Missy, if you ever need a head rub just scrunch your hair and come to work. The more get the better. May god bless you.
Tami Tucker
Brown Family,
I'm praying every day that Uncle Mark gets better. I know we can make it through this tough time. God bless you all. -Love Shannon
Mark and Missy: We'll be lifting you in prayer and good thoughts tomorrow.
Missy, concerning Fake Friends vs. Real Friends: That's the truth!!
Wow! You are an amazing family! (as if I didn't know that already) I loved the picture. Since I'm the oldest,I have lots of good memories from Mark's younger days!ha. Mark, when you were a baby and had colic(and cried a lot with the bellyache) I would lay on the old saggy soft mattress, put you across my belly and rock the bed with my foot on the footboard until you would feel better and fall asleep. I'd gladly do that again now if you weren't so dang big and I wasn't so dang old!! I love you Babe!
Hey Mark & Missy,
Darrell & I had lunch with Jason yesterday and he told us about Mark's diagnosis. You're exactly right; it's in God's hand. Our faith in God and our love for one another will be your strength during this time. Please know we are praying for the both of you and your family. Please let me or Jason know if there is ANYTHING at all we can do for you. There is power in numbers and prayers! -Love, the Hobbs Family
Uncle Mark and Aunt Missy,
I feel like anything I say or do will be inadequate. I wish I could anticipate your needs and say what needs to be said but I know that's impossible. So, I feel like I can't go wrong with praying...and that's what we are doing. In fact, tomorrow I am gonna eat my Hershey bar and drink my Coke for breakfast and then fast and pray until lunch!!! HeHe! Seriously,You can count on Shannon and I to go to spiritual battle for you and your family. I consider it such an honor to pray for you and be a part of your family. I love you, Uncle Mark. You are MIGHTY and more than a Conqueror through Christ!!(Rom 8:37) Speak HIS word over your body--it's like medicine to your bones! I love you all so much.
Mark, I'm sure you do not remember me...you were just a kid...and, heck, I was a kid too..the last time we saw each other. I am the daughter of Walter and Betty Owen. Your folks notified them, who in turn passed your site on to me. I have alerted my daughter, who has alerted her prayer group...and to make a long process short....many prayers are flowing out of Denton for you! May God Bless you and Missy and your family and rest assured He will be holding you tightly through this...and our prayers will not stop.
Trayce Darter Hudy
Isn't Mark sweet. I am lifting you up because I know the Great Physician and He loves you and He has got such great plans for you.It is through our stuggles that He makes us strong so You are a big bad mean fighting machine and the victory is yours.You are going to beat this and God will give you strength all of the way. I am here when you need me. Lil Sis
Mark & Missy,
I continue to ask everyone I know to pray for you. It is amazing how many people are willing to say a prayer for someone they don't even know. You are both amazingly strong with faith and hope- which will get you through this challenging time. You have an overwhelming support group! I think you fall into the real friends column!! :)
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