Monday, November 15, 2010

Beautiful Weekend.

Donna and Chris were here for several days and it was a great weekend for cleaning and organizing and decluttering and getting rid of stuff. I think if you haven't seen it in years and didn't even remember you had it, you can definitely get RID of it. And, the good Lord knows I don't have energy for garage sales so someone will benefit greatly from some FREE stuff. Funny, FREE tends to be my middle name, but space is a bigger priority right now!!! One room at a time we will get it taken care of. It was so great to have help with that also. The motivation is HUGE.

Mark had a pretty sluggish weekend. I have been seeing improvement, but he hasn't really been feeling it so much until TODAY!!! Today he says he actually woke up and felt RESTED. WOOOHOOOOO!!! There are several positives since last Wednesday. Mark is less anxious, less restless and hurting less. He resting more soundly. The down side is that while I see these things, until today, he hasn't been feeling the effects of the positives. Each day will get better. The other thing that comes in to play is that he his back on chemo now. While some medicine is helping, some of the sluggishness is likely coming from starting the new round of chemo. So - We haven't found the WIN-WIN yet. Such is LIFE.

The kids had a good weekend as well. Four new kittens keep ABBY busy (as well as keeps her allergies very active!) Thanks to Uncle Danny for helping get the pens ready for the chickens. Birds come this week!!

Love to all, Missy

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes this was the weekend for me to get ride of my clutter also. So happy to know Mark is resting.
If ther is anything I can help you with do call on me.
God bless you and we are still praying.
Always in my heart
Sandy C