Saturday, November 27, 2010


Go Trojans!!!! And weren't we blessed with magnificent weather. It was absolutely a gorgeous day to watch a football game! Congrats to the Moguls on your win also. How great is that to have such quality teams in the same area still in the playoffs. It is too bad that only one team can continue. Have to be partial on this one as my baby wears BLUE. I know it will be a GREAT game. The game is scheduled for Friday night in Breckenridge at 0730. We look forward to seeing many of you there.

Mark has had a couple of really good days. He finished his last chemo dose on Wednesday. On that day he also quit taking some of the medicine to help him sleep. He feels much better. He felt like the medicine was keeping him in a "fog" all the time ( a very sleepy one at that!) Whatever we attribute it to, he is having a much better week. Thanksgiving was nice. (aside from getting called in to work and missing the Himmels Thanksgiving!) God provides and obviously knew that I did not need to eat TWO thanksgiving meals in one day! Mark and the kids enjoyed visiting with my family and we had a good time with family in Munday as well.
Congrats to Heather and Shannon on their new house. I wish we were closer to help you with all that wallpaper stripping! You will be so proud when it is done and it will be beautiful.

Love to all, Missy


Anonymous said...

This is Great news ! Look forward to the Morath Christmas tomorrow.
Guess I better get busy baking !
Hope to see you there.
Love Auntie n

Anonymous said...

xxoo...Love to all