Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Many Thanks

To all of our friends who made Sunday possible. It was so good to see everyone, and what a beautiful day. The food was awesome as well. Thanks Donnie and all the great cooks! We really miss getting to see everyone. It should make you feel good to know that a couple of Mark's best moments lately came that day. I think he felt on top of the world getting the Jeep out of the garage. And it was unbelievable how relaxed and "himself" he was on the 4wheeler ride! Any one watching would never dream he was sick!

Today brought another great moment for me. We got to eat again with Grandma and Grandpa Berend today. Mark ate a full meal, with seconds, and dessert! He hasn't had much appetite, so it was nice to see a glimpse of "normal" for a bit. We have been very blessed by gifts of great food. God is so great in His timing. It seems that food just seems to show up right before my time with Grandma and Grandpa. It has allowed our whole family some quality time with them. Good times and great memories.

Congrats Trojanettes for your 3 game victory over Poolville this evening. Good luck in Lubbock.
Trojans play in Abilene on Nov 19th

Please pray for good sleep. Mark is struggling to get there and we have a very early morning. Headed to Dallas tomorrow. Really have no clue what the day will bring. We will let you know.

Much love, Missy


Anonymous said...

Good morning my sweet family. Great to hear that Mark is having a few "GOOD" days. And you, still having your Grandparents, that is awesome 100 times over !! I can still remember Sundays at our Grandparents Morath's house. The smell of food, laughter,us "kids" running in and out,the antisipation of "tasting" that wonderful smell! Roast,mashed potatos/gravy,gr.bean and corn,maybe even carrots (fresh from her garden) hmmmm! Then the desserts....memories are the most precious gifts. Enjoy your time with M/M Berend,it is priceless.
Missy, know that you and your family are forever in my thoughts and prayers. Wish there was something more I could do. You know that I am only a phone call away.Love to you,Mark and the kids.
Auntie n

Anonymous said...

You're always, always in our prayers!
P & L

Anonymous said...

I am praying for you guys!! So glad to hear you had a good day Sunday.
Love you both
Susan B