Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Latest Update

Well I wish I had a good result to report, but the scan today turned out much as we expected. That being said I will go back and answer a few questions about what is going on. But first, don't forget to sign your comments if you are not logged onto the blog. The anonymous posting is the easy way to leave a comment, but it does not automatically leave a signature. All of your kind and encouraging words have touched us as usual and we truly feel the benefit of having you all on our side. And, to all the facebookers, you might pass along the blog site to your friends. It seems people are wondering what is going on. They see prayers, but don't know what for.

So, three weeks ago we were having a great time in Florida with our kids, Keith and Cindy, and their kids. We had been planning the trip since 2008 when Mark was originally diagnosed. Prior to our leaving, we knew that we would be looking at a 6 month scan and Mark decided it would wait until after Disney. God is always working! After returning, we called the cancer center and scheduled an appointment. This was strictly a routine follow up. You may remember his prior scan was in November 2009 and was all clear. He was having no complications or symptoms. The results were unbelievable. We were shocked to find that Mark's cancer had not only recurred, but had returned in as many as six different places. I just knew they had the wrong person. This absolutely could not be. I was about to call to have them make sure it was the right report when I read the result of his aneurysm measurement. Sure enough. It was for real. And so began another whirlwind of emotion, decisions, indecision, wondering and waiting. Now on the 5th day following those results, and with lots of help from Dr. Ho, Dr. Hudkins, Dr. Crim and all of the great people I work with, we think we are becoming more focused and getting prepared for what lies ahead. And now for the questions that seem to be most common....

Q. Where is the cancer?
A. Following today's confirmation by PET scan, we know that there are four lesions and several lymph nodes that are involved. There is a mass or nodule in each lung. A lesion on the liver and a fourth and largest lesion (tumor) that also appears to originate in the liver in the upper abdominal area. The apparent lymph nodes involved are in the abdomen on the right and left sides.

Q. How did this happen?
A. When Mark had his original tumor resected, Dr. Crim assured us he was working for a cure and also assured us that he removed all of the cancer in and around the affected area. We have no doubt that he indeed did so. What he had no control over was the cancer had already invaded the lymphatic system. While the nodes that were affected at that time were removed, there was no guarantee that there were not cancer cells circulating systemically. Hence the chemotherapy regimen following surgery. In theory, the chemo would have killed any remaining circulating cancer.

Q. What did the doctor say?
A. Good question! We haven't seen one yet. We got to visit with Mark's gastroenterologist shortly after getting the results. He is so good to us. He did tell us that due to the number of locations, surgery and radiation were not options. His treatment would include chemotherapy and possibly experimental treatment. He urged us to get things moving and to get a second opinion as well. A pathologist friend of Mark's was also so kind to take time to listen and offer his expertise as well. Of course nothing happened over the holiday weekend. We have decided to seek treatment at The Sammons Cancer Center at Baylor Healthcare in Dallas. We will see Dr. Andrew McCullom on Friday of this week.

Q. Did you tell the kids and how are they?
A. We waited until the kids were out of school on Friday to tell them. They are doing well. Austin really struggled initially. He surprised me with his insight on the situation. Impulsively he was very angry (Praise God - he is normal!), but has since become very interested in the details and asks lots of grown up questions. He makes me very proud as do Abby and Landon. While they have not been very vocal, I know that it is on there mind frequently as they will come out of the blue with questions like, "Daddy, how long are you going to have the cancer this time?"

Q.How is Mark?
A. Mark is an amazing man. He has been somewhat quiet. I can't imagine what goes through his mind and how he can possibly concentrate on anything but what is going on inside of him. While the fear of the unknown about the treatment ahead is inevitable, he remains positive and is cautiously ready to get this thing started.

Q. What's next?
A. Thanks to Cynthia at Baylor Charles A. Sammons Cancer Center, Baylor University Medical Center at Dallas We will be seeing Andrew McCullom, M.D. on Friday the 6th at 1:30 pm. This appointmet was originally going to be on June 21. Cynthia went to bat for us and made it possible for this week. Thank God for good people!

We repeatedly say that we have no idea what lies ahead of us. We know from where we've some that there isn't much of it that is any good, but we have no doubt that we are not walking alone. Mark will persevere as he has done before and he will do it with style I am absolutely certain.
Thank you, thank you, thank you for all that you have done thus far.

PS. I am asking for extra prayers for Mark's family. I can't imagine having to watch a child of mine nor my own brother in the same situation. They are an amazingly loving and supportive family. I ask that they, like us are able to feel the presence of so many caring praying people.
Much love, Missy


Anonymous said...

Once again Missy, I am overwhelmed at yourcourage. Your explanation of details for all of us is a God blessing.I would be lying if I said I do not question. Ido ask the Lord"WHY?" But I put my faith and trust in Him.I know that our heavenly Father can, and will, bring peace in the midst of the storm! I know he will give Mark strength and courage! I love you Mark(even when you tell people I'm old enough to be your mama!")From you Oldest Sis!

Anonymous said...

I am amazed at your strength!!! Please know that we are constantly praying for you guys. We love you.
Jay, Susan, Davis and Griffin

Anonymous said...

Thank you Missy for your very qualified explaination of what yall are going through. God is in the Miracle business. We believe in Miracles for Mark. We pray believing in complete healing. I just wish I wasn't such a wuss when it came to dealing with the little brother. I am overwhelmed again at the outpouring of love and prayer. Keep it up prayer warriors. Love you Mark and Missy and precious kiddos.
Lil Sis

Anonymous said...

Well, I'm at a loss for words right now...as I read this news all I can do is cry and pray that this nasty "c" word go AWAY AND STAY AWAY!!!! Be strong and have faith and never give up!!! Thanks for going into great detail Missy and explaining everything for us non-medical field people. All of you are in my thoughts and prayers!!!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update, Missy. We are praying and we love y'all.

Lane & Amy

Anonymous said...

We love you guys so much and our hearts are breaking into. I'm so sorry you guys are having to go through this horrible situation again. We do believe in Miracles for Mark and I told our immediate family this weekend that Mark is in a great family, because I don't know many family that have as many strong Christian prayer warriors as ours and I know you have many many Christian friends lifting you up as well.
Hang in their and know we all love you and are praying for you continuously.
Love, Laurie and family

Anonymous said...

Your are in my thoughts and prayers. May He give you strength and courage as you walk through this difficult journey. You have many people who love you and want to offer support in any way we can.

Anonymous said...

Once again, I am amazed at your courage and dignity and faith (by this I mean both of you) with which you face such adversity. My heart just breaks for you all to have to go through such a difficult time when things were seemingly on the upswing. You know you are some of our favorite people and are on our prayer list!!
We will pray for a good outcome with the doctors soon.
Love and prayers,
Jeff and Jan

Anonymous said...

Ma Bean has kept up with him through his mother in Munday.
We are all thinking about him and wish him well. We will be praying for him! Tell Mark that Ma Bean says hi.

Anonymous said...

We are dismayed at the news but know that God is still in control. Mark and Missy we are praying for you and yours every step of the way. We love you!
Mary and Ed

Anonymous said...

Missy,we also want to thank you for the FAQ's and answers instead of us just reading them as before. Your organizing both treatment and social issues is truly skilled and appreciated.Surely here again there
are but one set of footprints in the sand.May your strength endure to keep our cuz lifted. Please give him our regards. Bonnie & Terry

Anonymous said...

We, like many others are at a loss for words. We are going to pray for all of you. You are all in the hands of the Almighty and only He knows what you all must be feeling. We love you all!

Sean, Kristi and family

Anonymous said...

I was so shocked when I heard the news,just could not believe it.I am praying along with a lot of people.You have beaten it before and you will again.Missy,thank you so much for the explanation of details.I love all of you so much.Aunt Donna

lisa and gary said...

Mark and Missy were are praying for you .You all are in our hearts thanks for the post this does explain alot.We will be praying for all of you. Love Yall

Gary and Lisa

Donna Sue said...

It is hard to put feelings and thoughts about this into words. It came as such a shock and has taken awhile to process the news. It is like a smack in the face, but we all know how well you smack back! Just know as before, we are here and our hearts hurt too. You are so very special and loved so much.

Donna Sue

Anonymous said...

You are my little sis.....though bigger in strength and spirit than anyone I have ever known. You know I want to be there for you guys physically, but am only spiritually at the moment.

I love you more than words can say. Words do not seem to express anything at this time, so I pray, pray, pray. Love to you all, Donna

Anonymous said...

Love and prayers from the Smith family of Munday. God is good and mighty. From James, Millie, Leslie, Marshall, Julie and from me, Wilda. We love you and your family so much.

Anonymous said...

Our hearts, thoughts and prayers are with all of you! May God shower his healing blessings on you, Mark.
Love you guys!
Uncle Larry & Aunt Peggy

Anonymous said...

We are thinking and Praying for you guys.

Matt, Andrea, and Cayden Lindemann

Halye said...

I was so saddened to hear this news, but an not at all surprised to see you all step up to the challenge ready to fight. Your family shows strength, courage, and faith in the toughest of circumstances, and you inspire me. Please know that many prayers are coming your way. Austin, you are in my thoughts and prayers --stay strong! Much Love, Halye Cunningham