Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Tentative Date Set

We made a second call today after not hearing from Baylor. I called this am and was supposed to get a return call that never came, so Mark called this afternoon. The scheduler said the first thing that Dr. Lamont had was on October 20th. She penciled him in there, but would have to check with the hospital and guess what? your guessed it - she will call back! If I had a dollar for every one of those we were supposed to get!

Dr. Lamont did say that he would need to block a whole day for Mark's surgery due to the uncertainty of what he will actually do. This does make for some scheduling difficulty, but hopefully it will not be moved any further out. Should have confirmation tomorrow. Thanks for checking in. Missy


Anonymous said...

I hope that everything will work out just grate for you all.
Mark we are still praying for you.
Always in my heart
Sandy C.

Anonymous said...

Prayers going up for y'all! Love ya lots! Hugs, Teresa

Anonymous said...

Thank you SO much Missy for keeping us posted!!! God bless! - Janet

Anonymous said...

HELLO !!! Saw some of the BROWN family downtown early this AM for THE RACE FOR THE CURE. Was unable to get to you to say HELLO. Sorry.
I finished the mile in about 20-22 minutes. Then had to leave to open POSADA POTS #1.
Wasn't it a BEAUTIFUL morning for this event ?
Love from Auntie N

Anonymous said...

I want to be able to say something that makes everything ok. Unfortunately I can't find those words. Love you guys and know that God is still in the miracle business. You have been so strong and faithful thoughout this whole ordeal. God is using you both to show strength and courage that comes from Him. This lil sis has your back and am lifting you in prayer.