Monday, September 13, 2010

Weekend over.

And it is back to the grind. Mark got out a little this weekend and helped Danny in our yard. Sometimes, when he can muster the energy, he feels better just being able to be a little productive. On Sunday, we had a big surprise with all of Mark's immediate family and some of the nieces and nephews gathering at Danny's for fun, food and fellowship. It was a treat to see everyone and they had a special gift for Mark as well. Mark happened to mention one day that he really would like to learn to play the accordion. And it so happens.......They went on a mission to get him his very own!

I am pretty sure he will be sore this morning from playing for so long (or at least attempting to play). Honestly, we were all pretty impressed with how well he picked it up. He was actually playing real songs! I hear he might need to spend some time with Aunt Nina so she can give him a few pointers. We have some earplugs handy too, so he can just practice away!!!! I think he might be planning to have the chicken dance down pretty soon. I am sure you can look forward to a concert in a couple of months??????

Appointments Tuesday and Wednesday, we will let you know how they go. Thank you everyone for your kind words. Every time I read comments I think to my self, "I am so glad people are inspired, but really, we are just simple people trying our best to get by each day and take what has been dealt to us and cope in a positive way. It is a bible truth and a fact of life that a positive disposition has a positive impact on your life an health. While we never welcome anything like sickness or pain or weakness, we have definitely experienced the fruit of having to endure them over the last couple of years. You know I have mentioned that word patience rather frequently!. We have grow in patience, in relying on and having faith in God and in being grateful to God for the many blessings we have. Sometimes, you can forget about how bad things are when you look around to see all that you have been given. WE ARE BLESSED.
Much love, Missy


Anonymous said...

praying all goes well. Donna

Anonymous said...

"If God be for us, who can be against us!"

Anonymous said...

Mark looks pretty confident he knows what he is doing with that monstrosity he is holding ! Looks good ! Keep me informed as to his
musical progresss.
Love you,
Auntie N

Anonymous said...

Maybe you can come play your new found instrument for us at Homecoming...wanna be in the pep rally or the parade???? You better learn the Munday Mogul fight song!!! Praying nonstop for your healing...stay strong.


Will B said...

Missy and Mark, thanks for the updates. Sending love, positive vibes and lot and lots of prayers your way. You should take a video of Mark playing his accordion and post it on the blog. I'm sure it would be entertaining.

Anonymous said...

this reminds me of the good ole days when all my cousins would sit with my grandpa while he entertained us with his accordian. My prayer is that your health will be returned fully and you will make the same beautiful memories for your grandchildren.
luv you guys so much