Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Just a little note...

To let everyone now that we know absolutely nothing, nada, zip, zero, nil and so on. We didn't receive a phone call last week, or this week. Today, after noon, Mark started calling every number he had to get some information. That's right - I said Mark started calling...... That might give you a little clue about his level of frustration about now. Can't say that I blame him. Frustration is definitely warranted. It is a big reminder to everyone not to make promises you can't keep. And when your dealing with someones well being, don't even make statements or plans that you aren't going to follow through with. Mark sees that as simple respect that everyone deserves. I totally agree, but unfortunately know that,only in our perfect world does it always happen as it should!!! When we fall victim, however, maybe it is our call to be more diligent in following through with our own committments. I know, I know, but we can't possibly change everyone!!! Some things we must let go and let God!

The good news is that no amount of frustration could negate the wonderful weekend we had. In spite of the horrible winds and low lake levels, it was beautiful and peaceful. The kids had a magnificent time. It absolutely thrills me when they say, "Mom that was sooooo awesome!" They rode a train, and fished and swam on the beach and went geocaching and hiking. We grilled burgers and played games, built campfires, roasted marshmallows and visited with Oklahoma friends and family. Thanks to Donna and Chris for putting the plan into action.

So, totally against every willing bone in Mark's body, we are headed back to Dallas tomorrow for Chemo #7. He was so imagining how great he might feel this coming weekend if he were to not get chemo this week. Hopefully, maybe later in hindsight, he will see it as one more behind him and one less to go. We will let you know as more information is available to us.

Much love, Missy


Anonymous said...

So thankful for your weekend. We'll take every little bit of sunshine you can get. Praying diligently about tomorrow. As Austin used to say, "Tell them your big sisters are coming to beat them up if they dont get their act together!" I love you. Big Sis

Anonymous said...

Hang Tough My Dear Family !
God will see you thru this TRIAL !
Many prayers are with you. I truly BELIEVE in the Power of Prayer...
Proof Positive this past weekend.
Went to see David's brother Ray in San Antonio.He has had a TRAC.
When we arrived on Friday, I truly belive he was knocking on Heaven's Door.....prayed all Friday night.
Margie, her sister JoAnn & I went to see him at noon on Saturday & to feed him his meal....He KNEW ME,he Smiled at us, he LAUGHED with us, HE SPOKE TO US !!!!!
It was AWESOME !!!! I am certain a miracle took place.
You & your family have SOOOOO many that LOVE YOU, that are pulling for you and that are PRAYING for you. Always know that you are LOVED
As always, IN My Heart,In My Thoughts & In My Prayers
Love from Auntie N

Anonymous said...

We are hinking of you always and keeping you all in our daily prayers. I know it must be so hard to think positive and to keep going strong, but you are doing amazingly wonderful. Keep it up! We love you Mark, Missy and kiddos and are here when you need us for anything.With Love and Prayers, Kim, Bryan and family