Sunday, September 19, 2010


Well, I am now able to speak following our Wednesday experience at Baylor. It was not one of the better experiences we have had, but it could always be worse - right? For several years I have preached to my friends and family that you should never - EVER - leave people alone when they are receiving medical treatment. I feel very strongly that there always needs to be another set of eyes and ears with the patient. And, sometimes it wouldn't have mattered if you had a whole army of eyes and ears!! I guess I might not be making a whole lot of sense. That is probably because, while I am no longer speechless, I am still bewildered and and challenged to put our whole trip down here in writing. So, I think I will spare the details and try to give you the jest of the visit.

We made the trip for the EUS on Wednesday, remember, the one that was intended to evaluate the operability of one of the liver tumors that Mark has and guess what? We found out Mark has cancer. You read me correctly! (Just in case you didn't know.) It is such a long story I could spend much time on, but I really don't want to give the whole situation that much attention.

So the bad news is that a physician did a repeat of a procedure that had already been done. Mark had another liver biopsy which produced the same results. Yes, even at Big Baylor, things can happen. We were very pleased with the process and the staff and the anesthesiologist that Mark had. Fortunately all was not lost. The good news is that the physician did do the EUS and he reported there was no invasion of the tumor into any vessels or other tissues surrounding tissues.

What this means? I guess it means Mark gets another chemo on Wednesday and follow up scan the next week. And, that hopefully someone is going to let us in on a more definite plan at that time. We feel a little in the dark regarding a surgical plan or if there will even be one. But patience has been good to us so far and we will continue to be challenged to have lots and lots of it. God has been and will continue to be awesome. Missy


Anonymous said...

Sorry about the frustration:( SO true about having two eyes and ears. You two are so blessed to have each other and the support of many. Just wanted you to know that we are praying and thinking about you ofter. We love you guys!

Anonymous said...

Soooo,basically, you are saying,you had a "repeat" of a previous visit and already knew the results before the Doctor did !?!?!? Like a RE-RuN ? Different Channel, but same show?
Same results !Just on a
"BIG SCREEN" ? eewwwwww that stinks
On the BrIgHt SiDe,YoU sHoUlD nOt HaVe BeEn SuRpRiSeD bY tHe ResuLts SiNcE yOu ALREADY kNeW !!!
Next time just be sure that they are tuned into the same NeTwOrK
aS yOu. I aM sOrRy YoU hAd To Go thru this again. YoU cAn BeT tHaT tHeRe WiLl Be HuNdReDs MorE PrAYERS WiTh YoU nExT tRiP !
LoVe YoU GuYs ! As AlWaYs, In My HeArT,In My ThOuGhTs,AnD In My
prAyeRs. LoVe YoU gUyS !
AuNtIe N

Anonymous said...

OHHH, I know you must be SO frustrated! I've been praying that Mark could have a little break from it all! I don't know if it helps to know you are an inspiration? As lay leader in church this morning, I took advantage of the chance to bring our 'prayer partners' up to date, (so they would know how to pray for you) and I also just HAD to brag about Mark's 'musical ambition!' I think your kind of spirit really helps the folks here who are going through chemo... SO many prayers for God's GOOD surprises to come your way!
Love, Janet

Anonymous said...

Well Girl! You did a good job of explaining the whole day! You were much kinder than I could have been. I sure hope I dont see that Dr. again on any of our future trips or I might have to bite my tongue and tie my hands to keep from getting thrown into jail!hee hee I love you both and I'm bringing my boxing gloves next time I come!
The Oldest Sis

Anonymous said...

I don't know what to say except I do not understand why cow poop like this happens. I believe that with all my heart you two are so lifted up in prayer and because He is carrying you in His arms that even this or any other cow poop can't hurt you. Rest in His peace and know that God will give you wisdom and opportunity to handle the situation. God will bring you REST and PEACE.
Love you so much,
Lil Sis