Saturday, September 11, 2010

Chemo #7 complete.

Well, It seems we have recovered a little energy after a somewhat stressful week. We made it to Dallas midweek prior to the FLOOD. Lots of rain down there. Imagine, already a nightmare when there is no weather. Add lots and lots of rain and it is worse than chaos. Lucky for us, our trip to the hospital was uneventful. And following chemo, we got out before the tornadoes came. Praise God.

We got a call early Wednesday from Dr. Lamont to tell us he would be referring Mark to a Gastroenterologist specializing in endoscopic ultrasound. Dr. Lamont plans for him to do a scope and give him more information about the characteristics of the largest liver tumor. Following that, Dr. Lamont t (surgeon) spoke with Dr. McCollum (oncologist). They devised a plan which includes doing more diagnostic testing of the tumor. During this time, the plan is for Mark to have 2 more rounds of chemo followed by a scan at the end of September. They would like to see the largest tumor shrink, thus making the surgery less complicated.

Mark has an appointment on Tuesday with Dr. Mallat (gastroenterologist) who is also at Baylor.
He is also scheduled for an EUS procedure (endoscopic ultrasound) that will involve passing a scope internally and using an ultrasound probe to better evaluate how involved the tumor is. A biopsy will possibly be included with this procedure as well. We will know the particulars after we meet with Dr. Mallat on Tuesday.

Each round of chemo is proving to be progressively more difficult to tolerate. Mark is trying really hard to keep positive. Strange as it may seem, he is really hoping for a surgery, so that he can have a break from the chemo! Thanks to everyone for thoughts, prayers and acts of kindness. As always, we are blessed by you. Much love, Missy

P.S. Uncle Danny wants everyone to know that we have all enjoyed a nice, relaxing, lazy day at his house! Thanks for the hospitality.


Anonymous said...

Keeping you and your family in my prayers as you undergo these next tests and chemo.With much love,Aunt Donna

Anonymous said...

Love you Melissa,stay strong.
My love to Mark and the other KIDS!
My prayers for your continued strength.
Auntie N

Anonymous said...

Praying for STRENGTH for you both:) Love you guys and thanks for keeping us updated...
Susan B

Anonymous said...

missy and mark,
you are always in my thoughts and prayers.
love ya,
betty dowdy

Anonymous said...

Each time I read your updates I become more overwhelmed with your FAITH and STRENGTH. What a great example you are setting for other young couples who are facing "road blocks" in their lives. Know that you are always in our thoughts and prayers.
Love, Jim and Margie

Anonymous said...

Missy thank you for the INFO and may you all have a good week.
You are always in my prayers.
I have told my sister about you and Mark and how strong you are Missy. My brother inlaw is in stage 4 right now and all they do is pray for Ray. I know God is with Mark and Ray.
Always in my heart
Sandy C