Wednesday, September 29, 2010

New plans.

Of course, things are always changing. We called Dallas today to confirm our Friday appointments as we hadn't heard anything from the second physician. Long story short, NO appointments on Friday this week. I know, I know, but I hope you are all realizing by now that this is just how we roll!. We live pretty much hour by hour and sometimes less than that. It really plays heck with all of those type A personalities you know. Yep, you will all feel better if you take a deep breath and repeat after me "I am not in control!" Anyway, I told Mark on the drive home from the funeral today and by the time we got home, we already had several reasons why Monday would work out just fine. It is what it is!

God bless Uncle Ralph and all of his wonderful family and friends. We will all miss him so, but our loss is Heaven's gain. Lots of good folks are having a big celebration upstairs. The services today had all the signs of the passing of a good man. A packed church, so many kind words, lots of tears as well as lots of laughter, a military tribute. Many people were truly blessed by Uncle Ralph during his 90 years.

Mark had a good day physically. He wanted everyone to know that he felt better today than he has in a while. He really was uncertain how he was gonna make it. God gives us what we need each and everyday. Thanks to all the "mothers" he adopted while there. You are all very kind and caring. Love to all, Missy

Friday, September 24, 2010

Quick note.

To let everyone know that Mark's visit went well this week. We had a nice, lengthy discussion with Dr. Mccollum. He verified our frustration from the previous week and was vey reassuring. He, of course can't take it away, but it was nice to hear that we weren't just misunderstanding or taking things the wrong way. At any rate, Mark received Chemo #8. Yep, even after trying to hide and after making monetary offers to anyone who would take his chemo for him. Thanks to all those who offered. If we thought it would work, you would definitely be in! He is needing much rest right now. Tomorrow I will remove his pump. Next week he will have another CT scan in Wichita Falls. It is presently scheduled for Thursday. On Friday he will have an appointment with both dr McCollum and Dr. Lamont (surgeon). We are looking to that day for some of our waiting to be over as we anticipate the decision over surgery to be made then. Please pray for God to round up every bit of knowledge and expertise they have to carry out his plan for Mark. And please God, if it be your will, have mercy on him.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


We had a great weekend. Mark felt pretty well on Saturday. He worked, mowed and even went to dinner with friends. Sunday we went to the lake as we are still trying to extend our SUMMER. It was a beautiful day, but much too short! The beauty must have gone to my head as I was compelled to get on that tube with my husband driving! And we missed having Abby with us as she was at camp brushing up on her cheer leading for homecoming next weekend. Mark's anticipation of chemo this week has got him feeling a little down. It invariably affects him both physically and mentally. This week he insists he will be in hiding when it comes time for chemo. NOW. I know you are tempted, but, when he shows up on your doorstep, do not be tempted to be an accomplice in his delinquency and try to hide him!!!!!!!! You just never know?!?! Always full of surprises! Hope everyone has a splendid day! Missy

Sunday, September 19, 2010


Well, I am now able to speak following our Wednesday experience at Baylor. It was not one of the better experiences we have had, but it could always be worse - right? For several years I have preached to my friends and family that you should never - EVER - leave people alone when they are receiving medical treatment. I feel very strongly that there always needs to be another set of eyes and ears with the patient. And, sometimes it wouldn't have mattered if you had a whole army of eyes and ears!! I guess I might not be making a whole lot of sense. That is probably because, while I am no longer speechless, I am still bewildered and and challenged to put our whole trip down here in writing. So, I think I will spare the details and try to give you the jest of the visit.

We made the trip for the EUS on Wednesday, remember, the one that was intended to evaluate the operability of one of the liver tumors that Mark has and guess what? We found out Mark has cancer. You read me correctly! (Just in case you didn't know.) It is such a long story I could spend much time on, but I really don't want to give the whole situation that much attention.

So the bad news is that a physician did a repeat of a procedure that had already been done. Mark had another liver biopsy which produced the same results. Yes, even at Big Baylor, things can happen. We were very pleased with the process and the staff and the anesthesiologist that Mark had. Fortunately all was not lost. The good news is that the physician did do the EUS and he reported there was no invasion of the tumor into any vessels or other tissues surrounding tissues.

What this means? I guess it means Mark gets another chemo on Wednesday and follow up scan the next week. And, that hopefully someone is going to let us in on a more definite plan at that time. We feel a little in the dark regarding a surgical plan or if there will even be one. But patience has been good to us so far and we will continue to be challenged to have lots and lots of it. God has been and will continue to be awesome. Missy

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Still on for today.

Mark is scheduled to arrive at at the GI lab at the hospital at 1:00 pm today. Our appointment yesterday confirmed that he will have an endoscopic ultrasound and a needle biopsy. Mark will be asleep and a scope will be placed down his throat with an ultrasound probe on it. This allows them to get very close to the liver, gallbladder, pancreas, stomach and lymph nodes from the inside. This is in an effort to better visual the tumor and evaluate its operability. Also, the doctor will be able to visualize and get samples of a lymph node in close proximity that is being monitored. There is a possibility of having some results today, but we are not holding our breath! Some test results may take longer. The procedure may take about 45 min. Our time at the hospital is said to be 4 hours. We will see??!!

I actually do have some video, or at least audio of Mark's first self taught lesson. Working to get it on here, but not certain I am that computer literate!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Weekend over.

And it is back to the grind. Mark got out a little this weekend and helped Danny in our yard. Sometimes, when he can muster the energy, he feels better just being able to be a little productive. On Sunday, we had a big surprise with all of Mark's immediate family and some of the nieces and nephews gathering at Danny's for fun, food and fellowship. It was a treat to see everyone and they had a special gift for Mark as well. Mark happened to mention one day that he really would like to learn to play the accordion. And it so happens.......They went on a mission to get him his very own!

I am pretty sure he will be sore this morning from playing for so long (or at least attempting to play). Honestly, we were all pretty impressed with how well he picked it up. He was actually playing real songs! I hear he might need to spend some time with Aunt Nina so she can give him a few pointers. We have some earplugs handy too, so he can just practice away!!!! I think he might be planning to have the chicken dance down pretty soon. I am sure you can look forward to a concert in a couple of months??????

Appointments Tuesday and Wednesday, we will let you know how they go. Thank you everyone for your kind words. Every time I read comments I think to my self, "I am so glad people are inspired, but really, we are just simple people trying our best to get by each day and take what has been dealt to us and cope in a positive way. It is a bible truth and a fact of life that a positive disposition has a positive impact on your life an health. While we never welcome anything like sickness or pain or weakness, we have definitely experienced the fruit of having to endure them over the last couple of years. You know I have mentioned that word patience rather frequently!. We have grow in patience, in relying on and having faith in God and in being grateful to God for the many blessings we have. Sometimes, you can forget about how bad things are when you look around to see all that you have been given. WE ARE BLESSED.
Much love, Missy

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Chemo #7 complete.

Well, It seems we have recovered a little energy after a somewhat stressful week. We made it to Dallas midweek prior to the FLOOD. Lots of rain down there. Imagine, already a nightmare when there is no weather. Add lots and lots of rain and it is worse than chaos. Lucky for us, our trip to the hospital was uneventful. And following chemo, we got out before the tornadoes came. Praise God.

We got a call early Wednesday from Dr. Lamont to tell us he would be referring Mark to a Gastroenterologist specializing in endoscopic ultrasound. Dr. Lamont plans for him to do a scope and give him more information about the characteristics of the largest liver tumor. Following that, Dr. Lamont t (surgeon) spoke with Dr. McCollum (oncologist). They devised a plan which includes doing more diagnostic testing of the tumor. During this time, the plan is for Mark to have 2 more rounds of chemo followed by a scan at the end of September. They would like to see the largest tumor shrink, thus making the surgery less complicated.

Mark has an appointment on Tuesday with Dr. Mallat (gastroenterologist) who is also at Baylor.
He is also scheduled for an EUS procedure (endoscopic ultrasound) that will involve passing a scope internally and using an ultrasound probe to better evaluate how involved the tumor is. A biopsy will possibly be included with this procedure as well. We will know the particulars after we meet with Dr. Mallat on Tuesday.

Each round of chemo is proving to be progressively more difficult to tolerate. Mark is trying really hard to keep positive. Strange as it may seem, he is really hoping for a surgery, so that he can have a break from the chemo! Thanks to everyone for thoughts, prayers and acts of kindness. As always, we are blessed by you. Much love, Missy

P.S. Uncle Danny wants everyone to know that we have all enjoyed a nice, relaxing, lazy day at his house! Thanks for the hospitality.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Just a little note...

To let everyone now that we know absolutely nothing, nada, zip, zero, nil and so on. We didn't receive a phone call last week, or this week. Today, after noon, Mark started calling every number he had to get some information. That's right - I said Mark started calling...... That might give you a little clue about his level of frustration about now. Can't say that I blame him. Frustration is definitely warranted. It is a big reminder to everyone not to make promises you can't keep. And when your dealing with someones well being, don't even make statements or plans that you aren't going to follow through with. Mark sees that as simple respect that everyone deserves. I totally agree, but unfortunately know that,only in our perfect world does it always happen as it should!!! When we fall victim, however, maybe it is our call to be more diligent in following through with our own committments. I know, I know, but we can't possibly change everyone!!! Some things we must let go and let God!

The good news is that no amount of frustration could negate the wonderful weekend we had. In spite of the horrible winds and low lake levels, it was beautiful and peaceful. The kids had a magnificent time. It absolutely thrills me when they say, "Mom that was sooooo awesome!" They rode a train, and fished and swam on the beach and went geocaching and hiking. We grilled burgers and played games, built campfires, roasted marshmallows and visited with Oklahoma friends and family. Thanks to Donna and Chris for putting the plan into action.

So, totally against every willing bone in Mark's body, we are headed back to Dallas tomorrow for Chemo #7. He was so imagining how great he might feel this coming weekend if he were to not get chemo this week. Hopefully, maybe later in hindsight, he will see it as one more behind him and one less to go. We will let you know as more information is available to us.

Much love, Missy

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Doctor's visit

We met with the surgeon today. Man, it sure makes you feel old when you start getting doctors that are younger than you are! He was very friendly and helpful and concerned for doing what is best for Mark. Unfortunately, having just been gathering information today, he was not 100% certain of what the best thing is. We took him Mark's latest scan. He reviewed them with us. He has several concerns and questions. He feels that some things are an easy fix, ie: the lung nodules and the smallest spot on the liver. He questions the lymph node involvement. He has not seen Mark's PET scan and would like to do so to have more information about the lymph nodes. Seemingly of greatest concern was the involvement of the largest spot on the liver. He was interested in finding out more about how it is growing, ie: wrapped around or attached to anything other than the liver.

He advised that the surgery is huge and he feels that in order to undertake something of this sort, he needs to be clear on how he would attack all areas, possibly including lymph nodes.

So, he will visit with Dr. McCollum, view more scans, review scans with the radiology team at Baylor, and possibly order more test to clear up some of what is not real visible on the CT, He said he will call us back to let us know what they have come up with.

So we didn't get the plan we were expecting, but at least we did find another physician that God is going to work through to bring Mark through all of this. That in itself brings a great deal of peace of mind.

Mark is doing fair. I think that is my pat answer when he really feels like cow poop, but he wouldn't let too many people know that. His mouth is full of ulcers and his bowel function very difficult to deal with and his rest at night is hit and miss. He feels very tired and just run down, but keeps on going. He works so hard to keep everything going as normally as possible.

We are looking forward to the long weekend and are hoping for some rest, relaxation, and great memory making at Quartz Mountain. I already know the trip will be far too short!

Love to all and please pray for God to embrace all of these physicians and work through them to rid Mark of this horrible disease and restore him to good health. Missy