Monday, July 12, 2010

A better day.

Gosh it is really cool to see you guys talking on here. LOOOVVVE IIITTT!!! Today is a pretty good day. Guess many prayers are working to give us better days. Sometimes even better hours are very welcome. I see I must have struck a note with my last post as it elicited a lot of comments. And all of them much appreciated. It's huge just knowing you are right beside us.

I harp on my children frequently, "If you don't have anything good to say, just don't speak." This would explain the scarceness of my texts. "Good" has been a little limited these days. It comes when we least expect it and we just never know what each day will bring. Sparing all the gory details, I'll try to summarize in a few words. COW POOP!!! Yesirreeeee. That about says it. Mark stays very tired for most of the 2 weeks following his treatment. The last couple of days have been better in that respect. His appetite isn't the greatest, but mostly because he is searching for answers to all of his bowel difficulties. While he is very tired,and sleeps a great deal, he has trouble sleeping at night. He gets his best sleep between 4 and 9 am on the recliner. He has to get up frequently and just has trouble getting comfortable. We have an arsenal of meds to help, but haven't found the magic potion yet. He has a product en route that he says is going to be "it".

Struggling with the side effects can definitely add stress. There is much frustration with just feeling absolutely out of control. While we wish we had all the answers, solutions, magic medicines - we don't. Only one person does. But the fact remains that we are human. We do experience sadness, frustration, anger, pain, hurt and all of the multitude of feelings that come along with being in this situation. Thank God we are NORMAL. And while we are experiencing that, it is not really our desire to make that our focus, nor a topic of the blog. If we were to dwell on that, we would find it hard to keep going each day. You may all rest assured in knowing that we continue to be strong, to be faithful, to be happy and to be BUSY!!!!! So there is no room for anything to get us down for any length of time. Our roller coaster seems infinite at this point, with twists and turns coming day by day and sometimes hour by hour. And it's also like those roller coasters at Disneyworld. You ride IN THE DARK and you don't know what is going to come next. So, if we are quiet, just continue to pray, cuz we are just holding our breath and holding on!!!!

Oh yeah, I forgot to throw in the GOOD. I did say it was scarce - not absent. No mouth sores this time. YEAH!!! And, one night in the last week he slept for 6 hours straight without getting up. WOOHOOOO!!! He sat straight up in bed and I thought something bad had happened. He said, "No, do you see what time it is? I haven't been up in six hours." Aaaahhhhhhh, we are thankful for the little things.
And there is always you, our friends, our family. There is nothing but good in having all of you who care so much to take the time to pray and keep up with our lives. We love you all, Missy


Anonymous said...

There is much to be said about the ability to bare our souls to the Lord and to each other. I am so thankful that crying out in frustration, anger, fear,lonlilness, and exhaustion doesn't mean that we have lost hope, but that we have acknowledged our total dependence on our Lord's strength. He was mighty enough to bear the pain of the cross for me, and I know He is mighty and merciful enough to hear my cries. Lord,you know our hearts, so when we need to cry out,please just draw us into your lap and hold us close as we walk through this journey together. Lord, we lift our voices of intercession for Mark today. I love you, Mark, Missy and kids. Aunt Judy

Anonymous said...

Now that is more like it !!! I feel that I am more informed as to what is going on..the Good,the Bad AND the Ugly !! It Helps ...I know NOT to call between 4 & 9am (I AM up at that time!) I know that you CAN post something other than GOOD.
I know that YOU ARE HUMAN !!! Wheeeeh..there for awhile I thought I had a Saint for a niece..
NOT that you aren't !!! Don't get me wrong, uhh, I KNOW you are SPECIAL, uuh, uuh.....Did I stick my foot in it ?? HAHAHAHAHA!
It is just good to see you let go and SCREAM ! It helps !
NOW, that said, you can go back to being the Saint that you are. I know you are struggling so my thoughts & prayers will be more intense. THANK YOU for this post. It means alot to me & I am sure it does to others. Always know that you,Mark & the kids can call at any time & I WILL ANSWER !With The
LOVE and prayers of your family & friends, YOU CAN HANDLE ANYTHING.
My love & prayers,
Auntie N

Anonymous said...

We continue to lift you in prayer daily. We are praying for a wonderful week for you. We love you!!! Jerry and Wanda

Anonymous said...

We are keeping you in our prayers and thinking of you everyday. We pray for this roller coaster ride to be a short one. You know we are here for you and ready to help any way we can. With lots of love and prayers, Bryan, Kim and kiddos

Anonymous said...

So happy to know things are going well! Remember to pray,play and have fun at the end of the day you will say thank you God for this time!Always in my heart!

Anonymous said...

Let's see, cow poop can be made into fertilizer to make something grow. That something is your faith. God will not give you more than you can handle. My heart goes out to you Mark and Missy. We love you guys more than you will ever know. We try to keep up with what is going on as we see Cindy now on a daily basis at work. I knew we would all wind up in jail someday. God bless you. Bill Hester

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Good Morning Everyone !
It is GORGEOUS outside. A little breeze is going on ! Birds are singing! God is in His Heaven and ALL is right with the world !!!
Auntie N

Anonymous said...

I am cheking with your mom when there is no post.Keeping all of you in my prayers.Lots of love,Aunt Donna

Anonymous said...

It is Friday and I hope all is going well with Mark! We are still praying for you. Have a good weekend!
Always in my heart
Sandy C.

Anonymous said...

Well it is 3;20am, and I am awake.
Not by choice, I am Dog tired but unable to sleep....sooooooooo,I thought I would be the first to
wish all of you a GOOD MORNING, a
I predict another sun shinig, bright, HOT day ! With just a little breeze to cool our skin as we go about our daily routine. If you get bored today, come on out and see me at the new store !
Embrace this new day with Faith,Belief and happiness.
Love You Guys Bunches,
auntie n