Sunday, April 19, 2009

Some things just make you smile!

Good Morning to all. Now if this picture doesn't make you smile, then what will? That is just pretty sweet. I know Mark would give a whole lot for an ice cold coke right now. Mark is taking it easy this weekend and it is a terrible inconvenience for him. Pray for patience. Better days are ahead, it's just so hard to see through the mud and muck. I am hoping lots of sleep and lots of faith makes the sun shine sooner. Speaking of sunshine, Abby sang our special song for me this morning.

You are my sunshine,
My only sunshine,
You make me happy when skies are grey.
You'll never know dear,
How much I love you,
Please don't take my sunshine away.

I am pretty certain she doesn't know I got that off a mustard commercial! Anyway, sweet words we share together. Along with the Barney song. (Okay, I know it was Barney, but the simple words are great anyway.)

I love you,
You love me,
We're a happy family,
With a great big hug,
and a kiss from me to you,
Won't you say you love me too.

Have a happy day. We love you, The Brown's


Anonymous said...

That picture does make me smile. I am also smiling because our soldier from Iraq is home for two weeks and Brooke is smiling again. I am so proud of Brien and so proud he is home for a little while.
Mark slowing down is so hard we have learned to push, push, push. But rest lets the body restore.
I love you guys.
Lil Sis

Anonymous said...

What an adorable picture! :-)
Hang in there, Mark! We're all praying for you!
Many HUGS!
Teresa, Montie, Kayla and Kameron

Anonymous said...

Oh Yeah. I remember that little machine well. I was served many a coke from there. That really hasn't been that long ago, has it?! Where is that little machine, anyway? It probably has a "white dot" on it! HeeHee I love you! The "Oldest Sis"

Anonymous said...

A big smile & a lot of memories of that time in Mark's life. And by the way I do still have the coke machine and the box when ever Mark is ready for them. We are in continual prayer for Mark's strengh and healing, and for precious Missy and you kids. We love you all Grandmother & Grandaddy Brown

Anonymous said...

That Coke machine was my favorite toy at Aunt Dot's house!!! We would seve Coke til that was all gone, then switch to water. So fun!! I am MUCH older than Mark and I remember that the Coke machine belonged to JUDY (and therefore ME!) Love the picture and love you Mark! Cousin Mary from Weinert

Anonymous said...

What an adorable did make me smile.(and we all know that a smile is good medicine!) It is so good to hear things are going okay. We just wanted to check in you guys and to let ya know we are still cheering you all on!!
The Bowen's