Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Some days.....

Have you ever wanted to be something you are not. I don't know how many times, in my adult life I wish that I was something that I AM NOT. I go back to my college days and think of a time when there was such indecision about which career path to choose and yet you are forced to pick just ONE. If it weren't such a feat (or if I even liked school a little bit!), I would have gone back to school at least five times to learn as much as I could about something else!!??? I am sure you wonder where I am coming from here. Well it so happens that I went to college as a communications major. (Yes, I had big plans to replace Barbara Walters!) A couple of theater classes made me think much differently! So I become a nurse. I began raising children and I decide that teaching will be my second career when I get tired of nursing. (of course because I wanted to change the world.) A few years later I would no longer consider teaching due to the advent of the TAKS test. The field of education will never be the same. How I longed for the knowledge though. If I only new all the ins and outs of education (or politics, maybe I should have been a politician!) that lay people have no clue about. Back to that politician thing, that might be beneficial in most any field huh?

And then there was the legal world. How I longed to be inside the head of the attorneys. To be able to know the processes and anticipate what might be thrown out next. To be on the stand in a courtroom and be able to give back some of the stress that you are being given. To not be helpless and at the mercy of some cut throat shameless plaintiff attorney.

And wouldn't life I have been grand if only I had become a CPA so maybe I could figure out how to prevent the government from taking so much of our money!

And if I could only have been a doctor, then I could treat all of my friends and family and noone would ever have to wait for an appointment or a phone call or a result.

Or maybe a scientist so I could work on a cure for cancer!

I could go on, I suppose. Don't get me wrong. I am very happy with what I do and who I am. I wouldn't change it for the world. God put me right here where I am supposed to be. It is ironic that I even want all of that knowledge because the path to getting it is more EDUCATION, which is not my forte.

So all of this babble for nothing really, except to say that TODAY I want to be a psychiatrist. Some days I really don't understand PEOPLE! And if I was a psychiatrist, then I would have to work on myself as well and what drives me to feed my understanding and be the best that I can be. Virtuous or control??? Hmmmmmm? Maybe I'll work on both! :)

Extra prayers for Mark today. He was feeling the scratchy throat and signs of having the crud that everyone else has had. We have been so fortunate he has been avoid any bugs or viruses. Hopefully he won't get down with anything. Congrats to Melissa for another victory with clear scans last week!! Best of luck to the Trojans this week in Sweetwater!

Love to all, Missy


Anonymous said...

Oh! Haven't we all been at those "what if" moments. It's ironic that this teacher has always wondered if I should have chosen nursing as my career. Oh and by the way! All of us who wear the hat of mom, daughter, sister, wife, auntie,...need a degree in psychiatry! It's too hard to try to figure out some people and some situations. Kind of like casting out a fishing line with that little red cork, I cast the questions and burdens out on the water to my Heavenly Father and when that cork(burden) finds its way drifting back to the shore at my feet, I cast it out again. I sure am thanful that our Lord is longsuffering with me.Sometimes I am casting hundreds of times a day! Many many prayers and lots of love coming your way. I love you very much Sis Judy

Anonymous said...

Prayers for Mark and that he DOESN'T get the crud!....
Missy, I SO understand your reflections! I don't think that I ever really wanted to be a teacher in fact ...Personally I can't think of ANY vocation more blessed/noble than nursing!! Still as someone who is always thinking how I'd love to start everything over and REALLY follow my heart, I get it!! I guess we just have to remember that God has used us in more ways than we realize, and I KNOW He must be SO proud of you in SO many ways! Love U, janet

Anonymous said...

How about being an inspirational speaker? You do that very well, as seen on this blag. You don't even need any additional schooling! I love you and am here anytime you need to talk, vent or scream.

Anonymous said...

I was scared speechless of college!
While I was still in High School,get this, I THOUGHT I WANTED TO BECOME A "NUN" ! Can't you just see me, in the full habit, Sister Nelda ! I bet I would have been MEAN...Instead I went to MSU to become a NURSE...
WRONG !!! So I wasted 36 hours of time and money. I did keep the same job for 36 years. I guess you could say I was BOTH a Nun and a Nurse..I taught and educated, and I did tend to the sick. SO..STOP and THINK... you may be all the things you wanted to be....just better in some fields than others.
My Dear Melissa,you will excell in what ever you decide to do.
Always know that you are surrounded by many,many people that LOVE you ! Me being one of them. Take care.
Love from Auntie N

Anonymous said...

I too have my what if days, but then I say that is just not the way I am to be.
You are so kind and I know how good of a person you are Missy. God gave you a good gift, your job as a mother, wife and care giver.
Stil praying for you all.
Always in my heart.
Sandy C

Anonymous said...

Just wanted you to know,
thinking about you today!

Anonymous said...

If it is any comfort, just think how many times someone in their 70's has wondered!!
We think you and Mark are just right!! No change needed--just wish you didn't have such trials to go through. Glad the chemo is not totally devastating! No fun at atll! Love and prayers EVERY day for you all and your extended family.
Hope you have a busy, happy Christmas!
Jan and Jeff