Wednesday, September 9, 2009


God is watching me today. Since the time of Mark's appointment with the heart surgeon, we have had a lot of unanswered questions. I have really tried to just "let it go", but I haven't been real easy about our plan or semi-plan. I just prayed about it that God would just lead me to know what my role should be in all of it.
Sooooo, today, I picked up the phone to call Houston. Imagine this, I got directly to Dr. Cooley's office and to his nurse, the very person who typed the letter for Dr. Cooley when we consulted him back in November of 2008! She was so wonderful. She took all of Mark's info and is going to call me back. She reminded me that Dr. Cooley is now 89 (had a birthday in August!). He sees patients in the clinic but does not operate anymore!
Truly amazing that his health has allowed him so many years of sharing his expertise.
Anyway, we don't know what will happen tomorrow, but I feel really good about today!
Love to all, Missy.


Anonymous said...

You all have been on my mind today. I feel confident that you will get some constructive answers soon. I am so thankful that God is bigger than all my fears and anxieties, and that He already has the entire time line for Mark's surgeries and recoveries. And yes! I am praying that He will share that with all of us really soon! I love you very much and thank God for your love. The Big Sis

Anonymous said...

God bless you all!! I can't imagine facing all you guys have been through and are still facing. We are so thankful for you faith the the wonderful families that back up up with so much love and prayer!! We do pray for you every day.
Jeff and Jan