Thursday, July 23, 2009

Just to clarify.

Mark acquired the kids set of golf clubs legally from a friend of his at the hospital. They are Landon/Abby size and they have been hitting around with them. All on the up and up for sure. Also, Landon wants to let everyone know that he has an e-mail address.
He is pretty proud of it, so feel free to send him a message in your spare time.



Anonymous said...

HOpe you have a restful Sunday all of you. I am hoping that these next few weeks fly by and that they are very uneventful. The race is just begun but the first lap is nearly over. God will give you the strength to start the next lap and the next and the next....

Anonymous said...

Well I certainly wouldn't think that my little brother would do anything illegal!!(at least he wouldn't get caught)ha Love you guys. Have a good day. you can rest assured that the next few weeks will be doubly covered in prayer. I love you BIG SIS

Anonymous said...

Praying for you Mark, Missy, & kids. We sure are glad that you are nearing the end of the chemo treatments. We admire your courage and strength as a family in the face adversity. Love you guys,
Jim and Lorrie