Tuesday, June 16, 2009


I got up thinking I better go back and read what I wrote last night. Good thing, it was horrible! I am hoping there were few who were up late last night and read it. I have edited and hopefully it is more readable now. I know Judy must have squirmed in her seat to see the misspellings and grammatical errors and just plain jibberish. I have got to stop sitting in the recliner before bed to post.

Hoping for a terrrrrific Tuesday for everyone. The kids are at basketball camp half a day and I am trying to catch up on several things I am way behind on and Mark will work on getting in everything he won't be able to do for several days.

Hope all are well. We are looking forward to the upcoming family reunions to get to see everyone. Love you all, Missy


Anonymous said...

Just wanted to let Mark know that I am still thinking about you and praying for you. I talked to your Mom and the City Wide Garage Sales in Munday this past weekend. It was nice to see her.

Take care
Rhonda Richardson

Anonymous said...

Glad ya'll are able to do the normal busy things that everybody does. Mark....take it easy though, don't let your body get too run down. Hope the chemo is doing it's job and you just set back and let it and God take care of you. Thinking about ya'll always.
