Monday, November 16, 2009

Scan tomorrow.

Okay, so I really didn't post just to remind everyone about the upcoming scan. It is important and don't forget an extra prayer, but I have another request. I don't think you could have followed the blog and not gotten to know my dear cousin "Auntie N". She will probably hurt me for this, but I know she will appreciate the fountain of prayers that are generated by many loving people. Nelda has sent word that she will be embarking on a new journey. Not necessarily by choice, but out of necessity. She suffers from Parkinson's disease and is experiencing some debilitating symptoms that don't allow her to work like she used to. After 37 years of dedicated service to Trott's drug store, she will be retiring at the end of the year. I know she has mixed emotions, but I can't help but be happy for her. She has worked so hard through the years and spent countless hours committed to her employer and her customers. They will definitely feel her loss. My prayer is that this transition will bring abundant blessings in every way. As I told her, God will provide, just as he has for us. Though we never know when or how, we can be assured that He will lead as each day comes. Our warmest wishes Auntie N. We love you. Mark and Missy.


Anonymous said...

Our sincere prayers for Auntie N,bless her she has been so true blue to support you, in her prayers and encouragement, we love her for this. Dorothy&Gene

Anonymous said...

Dear Brown Family,
Thank You many times over but remind me, the next time I see you,
"TO HURT YOU !!!! Boy Howdy !! Can't tell you ANYTHING !!!
As you said I have "MIXED Emotions"
Boy Oh Boy do I ever's the strange,empty feeling I have in the pit of my stomach that I can't resolve, but I believe that NOW,with YOUR support group behind me, I CAN BEAT ANYTHING !!
Thanks again for your love & support...AS ALWAYS
In My Heart, In My Thoughts and
In My prayers,
Auntie N

Anonymous said...

OK,,,I am waiting....and praying,
Dear Brown Family,just stopping by to say Good Morning...and checking up on Mark. Am anxious but will wait for you to let us all know how the scan went. I will not ask, I will wait.
Had a store meeting last PM and Chuck read my letter of resignation to the girls. They clapped !! A family member later asked if it was because they were HAPPY for ME ?? or if it was because THEY were getting RID OF THE OL HAG ??? OH! OUCH ! HHMMMM, I DON"T KNOW !! I guess I will have to verify what they meant!!
Oh well, hope that you all have a great day !
As always, In My Herat In My Thoughts and In My Prayers,
Love Auntie N

Anonymous said...

If you were wondering what a "HERAT" is a special spelling of "HEART with lots of love attached to it !!!"
{pretty creative don't ya think?}
lov ya

Anonymous said...

Of course we're all saying extra prayers for you, Mark! And Auntie N. it feels like we've known you forever simply from your sincere and heart-warm wishes for Mark and Missy on the blog! It's a privilege to lift you up in prayer as you start your retirement, and we pray that every day for you can be a wonderful one!
Love from the Fowlers