Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Mark got a couple of appointments scheduled. He sees the surgeon today to set up the procedure to take out his port. We are hoping for the first of next week. We will see. Also, On December 21st we will go to Irving for an appointment with Dr Crim. He should get a surgery date at that time for the completion of his reconstruction.

I think with Thanksgiving just a couple of days away, share some of our "thankful" moments. I am really thankful for wonderful friends we have here in Scotland and Windthorst. For, only true friends would support us like family and love us no matter what we look like!!!!! Confused? Well I had to wait a while to post our Halloween pictures because I wasn't sure Mark was real keen on the idea. Remember last year, old man Brown and his wife made an appearance at the party. Well that was just two weks after the cancer diagnosis, and celebrating wasn't in the forfront of our minds. Now, a year later, we decided it was time for the big stage. While they didn't actually sing (thank goodness), Sonny and Cher made it all the way from - wherever they are from?!

Thanks to Felice and Chris for getting everyone together and thanks to Cher for being such a good sport!. Love, Missy

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Good News!!!

We finally got a report of Mark's PET scan. We are really excited to tell that there was no cancer anywhere! The spot they were watching from the last scan was gone, and there was no evidence of spread anywhere else. WOOOOHOOOOOO! That is really exciting. It is a great feeling to be able to finally say that they don't see anything. He is making calls today to "move on" and schedule is final procedures. I will let you know dates when we have them.

Wow, the power of prayer. God is so good to us and we know it has to be because of all of the people on our team. So many people praying for His healing and His guidance each step of the way. It means so much to us to have your support.

We saw the play "Barber shop Dialogues". I really think everyone will enjoy it. I won't talk about it so I don't give anything away, but you should make plans to go. You won't be disappointed. A heads up also. I would call or go online for tickets for those who plan to come on Thanksgiving weekend. I have heard many people will be in so I think that will be a pretty crowded weekend.

Love to all, Missy

Monday, November 16, 2009

Scan tomorrow.

Okay, so I really didn't post just to remind everyone about the upcoming scan. It is important and don't forget an extra prayer, but I have another request. I don't think you could have followed the blog and not gotten to know my dear cousin "Auntie N". She will probably hurt me for this, but I know she will appreciate the fountain of prayers that are generated by many loving people. Nelda has sent word that she will be embarking on a new journey. Not necessarily by choice, but out of necessity. She suffers from Parkinson's disease and is experiencing some debilitating symptoms that don't allow her to work like she used to. After 37 years of dedicated service to Trott's drug store, she will be retiring at the end of the year. I know she has mixed emotions, but I can't help but be happy for her. She has worked so hard through the years and spent countless hours committed to her employer and her customers. They will definitely feel her loss. My prayer is that this transition will bring abundant blessings in every way. As I told her, God will provide, just as he has for us. Though we never know when or how, we can be assured that He will lead as each day comes. Our warmest wishes Auntie N. We love you. Mark and Missy.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Just in case ya'll thought that post didn't sound like me, your right. Mark actually posted again, but I guess he didn't want anyone to know that he actually could do it! Have a great week. Lots of love, Missy

Calling All Prayer Warriors

Tuesday 11/17/09 @ 8:00 AM Mark has his repeat PET scan. Please pray that everything will be negative with no cancer to be seen. It's almost time for Deputy Don to show up at the Royal Theater in Archer City. Performances are Nov 19,20, 21, 27, 28 and Dec 4 & 5. No news is good news...till next time....