Saturday, February 28, 2009

Catching Up.

I can't believe how long it has been since I have written. Guess that means things are good - or just so darned busy that I don't even have time to sit down to do it! This week started with the Dr. Crim appointment. Both the Dr. and the nurse were really impressed with how Mark was doing. He did tell Mark to expect some big ups and downs over the next several months. He wants to see him again in three months to see how he is tolerating the chemo. We will try to kill two birds with one stone as that is also when the cardiovascular surgeon will see him again. That will be about a halfway point with the chemo. He has felt well this week and managed to keep from getting the bug that the kids all. The boys are much better. Abby is on antibiotics for a sinus infection. Now she stops several of her allergy medicines in preparation for her allergy testing this week. Could be a great week. The boys are already having some TAKS testing this week. Can't believe it is that time again. It just means that the end of school is just around the corner. It is funny how sometimes we want to speed up and sometimes you just want it to slow down.

Chemo #2 this week wednesday. Pray for Mark.
Love to all, Missy


Anonymous said...

SOOOOOOO good to hear from you !!!
I just KNEW that everything was going OK and that you just had an overloaded schedule.
So SORRY the kids have been ill.
I know that is NO FUN !! I KNOW !!
Maybe they are on the uphill swing now and things will start to slip into place. GOTTA GET'EM WELL for the BIG Event in APRIL !!!
Will continue to keep ALL of you in my prayers.
Take care and tell THE BOYS to DO WELL on those DARN TESTS !
As always....
In My Heart In My Thoughts and
In My Prayers,
(Aunt) Nelda

Anonymous said...

Good Morning Family.
Morning out. Hope that all of you are up to enjoying such a beautiful and glorious day.
I am STILL stuck inside.
Hope you got to enjoy all of your family that gathered for Chris'
Special Ceremony on Friday. Sorry I missed it.
Enjoy the Beauty and pleasures of this wonderful day.
Continuously in my thoughts and prayers,
Love,Aunt Nelda

Anonymous said...

I am thanking God for my beautiful family, You all continue to teach me so much and inspire me every day I will be testing my 4th grade darlings this week also and I am praying for MIRACLES!Praying for your physical strength at work this week as you work with a smaller crew. Missy, I'll be praying for your dad today. I love you all very much. Aunt Judy

Anonymous said...

So glad Mark is doing well. I agree it would be nice if we could speed up and slow down life.
Savor the good days and fly through the bad.
Love you guys!!!
lisa D

Anonymous said...

So glad Mark is tolerating the chemo so far. You all are in our prayers every day!! Love, Jeff and Jan

Anonymous said...

I know today was chemo day so extra prayers went out for Mark. Stay strong oh cousin of mine. And say a prayer for me that I can read the PASSWORD below !!
I know Mark MUST have something to do with it and KNOWS when I write so I have a DOOSIE !!!!
I love ya anyway!!!
Aunt Nelda